Sunday, 20 January 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

Today over on HS:MS it is Show Off Sunday. It's not really show off material but I was quite pleased that the bird was in focus! This was taken last week while we are out Geocaching in Warrington. I dread to think how stupid I looked creeping along the bridge to where the birds were all sat to try and get a picture of them.

We were hoping to go out and do some more caches this weekend but the weather is so bad it looks unlikely. Even the poor dogs are pacing about waiting for it to stop raining long enough for a walk.

This weeks word on photohunter is Important and these 3 guys are the most important things in my life and as usual the only shot I could get was one of them walking away from me!


Mima said...

What a beautiful shot, LOL at the image of you taking it!!

Gemma* said...

well done for catching that bird . . .I'd have got a blob! And well done on the first digi LO . . but be warned, it is addictive :)

Bambi said...


Unknown said...

Great shot Rach! Isnt this weather poo? I went caching yesterday in the drizzly rain, didnt find it though, was too much rubbish around the area, couldnt tell what was what! Did mean getting my mum into it all though which was good. Might try again today, dont like to be beaten by these things - will get the brolies out!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous SOS shot Rach well worth stalking the birds for :D

JACKIE M said...

Great photo, birds can be very difficult =0)

Anonymous said...

Love both shots. We all look odd at times trying to get a good shot!

Unknown said...

Hey Rach - there's an award for you on my bloggie x

maz said...

Great gull pic! And loved your childhood ones from yesterday..I remember that summer of 76 so well...

Diane Rooney said...

Oh that is an amazing shot. So well captured. I also kinda blogged about the rain.. fed up with it but hey ho, it is Winter LOL

Anonymous said...

isn't it typical of boys -- always seem to catch them on the way out LOL. wonderful shot for this week's theme

Jenga said...

Gorgeous shot!

At least in photos of the guys walking away they are not pulling faces and sticking tongues out like my lot do :D

Deborah said...

Great shot,
I had to look up what geocaching was!!! it sounds fun

etteY said...

Gorgeous shot Rachael!! love it! I have post my photohunt pics too in my other blog :p