It's the last time I let Pete hold the camera while I go for a quick sit down in the woods while we are out Geocaching I can tell you.

Over the last couple of weeks we have been watching the first series of "My Name Is Earl" on DVD and I don't know if anyone has noticed that every time Earl has his picture taken his eyes are shut. Guess which idiot decided that this is a cool idea and that it would be really funny if he did it all the time.

My Name is Pete
Today is also the day for Photohunt and this week it is Old Fashioned. This was one of the photos I took at the Black Country Museum last October as this man reminded me of the way my Great Uncle Jack used to dress when I was little.

The dinosaurs from yesterday are now safely tucked away in a box in the attic. When it came down to it a really couldn't part with them so they are going to live in a hidden corner until someone will love them again.
OH man.....not funny.....he has no respect for the peeing. LOL
love your old fashioned photo. those clothes are certainly old fashioned.
have great weekend.
Wow great photos here. Happy weekend!
We love My Name is Earl too! Great shots ... were you really peeing?
OMG too funny LOL Pete is a nut!! Love your photos x
Great photos! Definitely old-fashioned clothes.
excellent post, just so you know I am an old fashioned guy. I am posting late today since I just got of the Carnival Freedom and their first annual Bloggers Cruise, 700 bloggers on board, it was fun, next one from New Orleans in February 09.
I love the humour here. Great to see familiar faces in the comments section.
Nice shots. I loved My Name is Earl. Very funny! Happy weekend
You've been tagged - name 5 songs that mean something to you - check out my blog :D
Love your snaps x
Honestly - can a girl never get any privacy?!
I've just caught up with your pictures - still loving that cake, btw - the one of the seagull is stunning and I love the ring - such a moving story behind it too.
lol at Pete. Love the old fashioned shot you have some great photos on here.
great shots!! i love your old fashioned pic... didn't manage to do the photohunt this weekend but will try next week!
happy caching!
Ah ha a pose I keep finding myself in at weekends now. Along with the one where Im desperatey trying to wipe doggie doo of a child's wellie.
Keep on cachin'
Love the SPS, Pete ought to be shot. Did you find the cache ok at the end of all of that, I hope so! We had tomato soup yesterday, and it was delicious (but obviously not as good as when you made it).
ROFL... totally brilliant Rachel!!
Love Pete's expression too...what a hoot.
p.s. thanks for your lovely comment on my SPS...you can be my friend any day!! Mind you 5 yrs on the wrinkles have crept on so don't think we look much like sisters now :D
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