It looks like Kyle is going to be off school for the rest of this week as he seems to have Man Flu pretty bad at the moment. How I have not strangled him yet I will never know, so if I go missing over the next couple of days you know I could take it no longer. Pathetic isn't in it, if you can imagine a cross between a sloth and Eeyore you've pretty much got it. He has a productive cough and insists that he is being sick every 5 minutes but when he tells me it's in that really poorly voice that men do so well. I would try and take a picture of him to post but I am not his favourite person at the moment as I am making him eat some food which is, according to Kyle, a form of child abuse.
Today's word on HS:MS is "number" and seeing as I live in a man house I had to take a picture of the most important numbers in the whole wide world.

I don't know about anyone else but I am getting really fed up of trying to take photos in this pants light that we are getting - where is the sunshine, we need spring!
agree with you about the light! i have one little patch of decent light - on the floor in front of our patio door lol!
love the depth of field, great numbers!
Great idea!
nice shot! actually, i'd prefer it if it were summer already (^_^)
Well, for having pants light, you've done a fab job. Love the DoF.
lol that is just SO funny :o)
Hey up Rach. Light is truly bobbins isnt it.I take a shots of something thinking I could possibly upload it and they all turn out to be really grey and crap.
I do like how you've done your remote bibber though.And the slightly naughty bits and bobs yesterday. Shall have to remember that curly wurly trick ;o)
Yep - the light is pretty crappy at the moment. I'm looking out at gale force wind and horizontal rain again as well. Means I get to stay in and work all day!
Sorry you still got that little fella home sick. Funny kids eh? Especially the male variety. I remember it well. I have 3 sons very close in age and a daughter. Sons were worse for being sick and boy did we know abou it! lol
Love the photo.. Love that dof! x
ha I love the remote shot, when my son was little he would call it the 'pressings' and the name has stuck.
Hi Rach
know what you mean about the light - really crappy at the moment, but you come up with a great shot as usual.
Of course, man flu is a terrible debilitating disease which men were blessed with due to our uncomplaining nature, and 'the show must go on' attitude. Not.
Great photo, sounds like you have a typical 'man' in the making there, they always think there so ill all they can do is lie there play computers and complain. When were ill they still expect us to run around after them.
Struggling with the light at our house too. I would have photographed my remote control - If I could find it! but my DS has hidden it somewhere again!
Great photo :)
love M
In our house it's called a doofer. We have about 43 I think. The back has fallen off most of them which means the batteries keep falling out. Sometimes I even have to get up off my bum to change the channel...
..anyway, great pic!
In our house it's called a doofer. We have about 43 I think. The back has fallen off most of them which means the batteries keep falling out. Sometimes I even have to get up off my bum to change the channel...
..anyway, great pic!
I bet you never get a go with the clicker do you? great photo
Great shot (especially with the crummy lighting you've been having)! Great DOF.
Hi Rach :-)
Sarah's now off too! But being a girl ;-) she is much more tolerant and accepting of her illness! She just lies and watches t.v. I look after her a little BUT she gets up and makes a drink herself too! Can't see the point in sending her in to school tomorrow even if she has a miraculous recovery!
Hope your boy is much better too.
Love the angle and the subject :-) I use a spotlight over said item and also use Photoshop to boost up the lighting. As you say it's very dim.
See you soon . . . Sue
great close up! that's probably the most important thing in our house LOL!
Great numbers. Hope Kyle is feeling better soon.....for your sake if not his!
Oh yeah .... they're quite important numbers in this house too .... with the boy and girls.
I hope your poorly man-boy will be better soon and am currently doing a little sun-dance in my Mrs Blobby dressing gown to make the sun shine down on the gloomy UK.
(.... sorry for the truly awful image that has no doubt conjured up ....)
Just catching up with your fab shots and all your news - sorry to hear of the poorly ones. So much of what you say about Peter is so like John - it could have been me speaking when you said about not calling it chronic renal failure - same here.
Well written article.
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