Like a few others we do not look forward to New Years Eve as it seems pointless. Last night was an exception we had a great time at our friends house across the road with good food and good company. There is a good reason for the lack of good drink. Graham is our friend who was diagnosed with a brain tumor back in August, he is doing very well but is still on medication which means he has to limit his alcohol intake and it doesn't agree with Pete so he tends to avoid it. Even with the very limited amount of alcohol consumed we had a fantastic night and managed to get the best blackmail picture of Kyle ever - how will he ever live this picture of him at 1 o'clock this morning down?

This is Ang and Graham, sorry about the quality but it was just after midnight and I didn't use the flash for some reason. This proves that I do have real friends and not just pretend friends on the computer like Kyle thinks.
Today we are planning a geo-caching foray at Oulton Park. We found our first 2 caches yesterday which was very exciting so we can't wait to look for the 3 planned for today as we are totally hooked. I have also uploaded some more winter photos into the slide show on the right if anyone is interested.
Lots of catching up to do but just popped by to wish you Happy New Year :D
same to you..hope you get everything you wish for and more.xx
HNY to you too Rachael, looking forward to getting back into the swing of things soon!
Happy New Year - Geocaching is fun, there are several on Whitegate Way, and one of my carers was mad keen, so we did some together! Just make sure that all the muggles are out of the way before you look for the box.
Glad you had a good evening, and you can rest assured that this year is going to be a good one - I decided last night!
Happy New Year, looks like you had a good one :o)
Here's to a geocaching 2008!
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