Remember the other day when I said that Pete nearly died a couple of years ago. At the time we were on holiday on the Isle of Wight, we knew he was ill because he couldn't climb a couple of stairs without having to sit down we just didn't know how ill. Pete being Pete, and this not being the flu, he carried on throughout the holiday without much complaint and one day, towards the end of the holiday, when we were on a beach he found this ring made from shell and as a romantic gesture gave it to me. It was a few days later when we got home and I rushed him to A&E that we found out exactly how ill he was. The Doctor was amazed that not only was Pete alive he had actually walked into the hospital himself and driven home from the Isle of Wight the previous day. A man's blood count should normally be around 160-180 - on that day Pete's was 46 and dropping. I didn't have to think twice about today's prompt or hunt for it as it sits on the shelf on my side of the bed.
What a special ring this is.......
I'm not suprised you keep it so close, Rachael. It's very special.
Great shot too.
Something really to treasure.
What a beautiful precious, and a token of so many thoughts and memories. And a lovely photo of it too.
That is so special and romantic too, fab photo rach.
Beautiful, the picture of the ring, the ring itself...and the story. So glad it had a happy ending, and that he is OK.
Wow! Wow....... wow
That's a beautiful photo, Rachael but even more so because of what it means. I only found out myself 2 yrs ago how serious anaemia can get after collapsing and being rushed into hospital... long story but yeah. Not nice. I know your hubby was a lot more serious though. It was a shock to me how ill and dangerously ill, anaemia can make you.
Have a great afternoon! x
awwww, very sentimental
Ooo I love the story that goes with this picture!
That is soooo sweet. Awww, Pete you big lug you. (Obviously pass that message on for me).
Thatis such a lovely story, and a beautiful ring. Very romantic.
how sweet! great shot too! love the blue bg! :)
it's beautiful and so special, i'm so pleased that he's OK and everythings OK
its a beautiful photo too
Sooo special Rach :-) Life is so precious.
Bye for now . . . Sue :-)
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