The peace only lasted for 2 days before I had someone at home again. Kyle decided to be sick last night, everywhere. It's not because of the dreaded stomach bug, thankfully, but as the result of a
migraine bought on by a cold. So in typical male style he is all cuddled up on the sofa requesting, that's putting it politely, hot chocolates, fruit *will that be grapes dangling from above oh master* and all other manner of things. Luckily I managed to get a visit in with
Mima yesterday before I had to cater to Kyle's every whim. We had a good gossip and I came away with some
DVD's for us to watch my favourite one being "28 days later" which we are saving until Friday when the boys aren't here. That way I won't loose face when I end up a gibbering wreck who won't go upstairs alone.
Today's word on
HS:MS is "steam". I am just hoping that no-one notices that strictly speaking mine is in fact condensation *damn did I say that out loud*. You wouldn't believe how difficult this was to take as bright spark here didn't think that the
lens was glass and would steam up too.

in case everyone decides that, that shot is a cheat I prepared another one of my favourite piece of kit in the kitchen that gets used almost daily.

I now have a window to go and sit in while I wait for my ANC guy to deliver my new GPS. After Saturdays farce of a geocache we decided that it would be a good idea to get a proper GPS rather than use the Tom Tom that we have. The idea being that the batteries last a hell of a lot longer, it shouldn't try to put us on a road at every given opportunity and Yoda won't be saying "turn left you do" to us loud enough to scare small squirrels out of the trees any more.
I love your condensation - which in effect is steam. So Ill give you a gold star for your ingeniuity.
Love your sense of humour Rachel... you make me chuckle xx
I think your conden.... steam idea is fab, it looks really effective.
Sorry to read about your foul evening, I hope having you to serve on his every whim will make Kyle feel better soon.
Clever idea!
he he he... you had the same idea as me:)
Hope Kyle feels better soon
Sorry to hear that Kyle is feeling poorly, and I hope that today doesn't prove to taxing catering to his every whim!
Loved the steam idea!
Great to see you yesterday, good luck with 28 days later, and I hope that you are spared the nightmares that it gave me!
Tee Hee...really clever idea Rachel... I've got brain drain this morning so I'm well impressed with your idea. Might have to pinch it ;-0 lol
Hope Kyle feels better soon...Migraines are the pits :( Poor fella.
ooh both fabby!
hope kyle gets better soon
cool steam (^_^)
Marvo pics, I tried that 'writing in steamdensation' idea too but failed miserably so big up to you girl!
You made me laugh too x
Both fab shots great idea with the condensation one, hope Kyle feels better soon I get migraines and there not nice so can sympathise.
Definately counts! Its a great shot :)
Fab steam - both shots. I love our food steamer - although it is getting rather past it - hmmmm could be time to invest in a new one.
ha I almost did the mirror, but couldn't figure out how to keep the camera dry too. Well done.
Great idea with the mirror...never occurred to me to do anything so creative. Hope Kyle is feeling better soon.
Ooh a food steamer, thats dead grown up that is.
I think they should have 'Simpson's' Sat nav so that when you go the wrong way it goes 'DOh!'
Fabulous take. Love the idea and steam does create condensation so there is a link :-)
As you know I cheated . . . but hey, do I look as if I care :-D
Hope Kyle is better soon. All that time off and then they are ill during term time . . . very inconsiderate!
I'll ask Mima about dates.
Thanks for your comment yesterday. I use a Canon 350d and have a Sigma 70 mm macro lens.
We all had the sickness bug last week - yuk.
love your steam picture
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