Saturday, 12 January 2008

Photohunt 92 - Skinny

This is my first week of taking part in photohunt and this weeks word is Skinny. I wish I could show a picture of me for this word, I am working on it, but for now it will have to be one of Kyle showing off his ribs.


Ingrid said...

Lol ! he surely could put on some weight !

Lynn said...

The rib cage says it all. :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I wish I could do that, never mind be so skinny again :)

Welcome to the Photo Hunt!

Anonymous said...

That's is some active kid you've got there! Very nice photo.

Wirelessbliss said...

that's very clear! skinny indeed! :)

btw, just joined the fun and my first PH post is on ;)

Anonymous said...

welcome to photohunters!

very apt for the theme! :)

Unknown said...

Please dont tempt me into doing any more photo prompts! I must not join in, I must not join in. K, am ok now.

Crikey, wish I could see my ribs. And do a handstand. I tried not long ago to show Betty that I could still do it, only last time I did one I did have so much weight crushing down on my arms - nearly killed myself!

Hootin Anni said...

That's a definite skinny! Love the photo very much. A great shot.

My skinny photo is published now, would you care to visit with me? I'd love to have you drop by!!

Randi said...

Good & fun shot for the skinny theme.

Aleckii said...

I was chubby when I was his age! Hahah!

My skinny post is up too-

Mima said...

Great photo, see what you mean about putting on some weight! Had a message from Sue, and have suggested either the 21st or 22nd, so we will have to see what suits, are they both ok with you.

Hope that you have been out on the hunt again today with your new toy, and that all has gone well.

Mommy Lutchi said...

love the photo...I can see ribs....
thanks for sharing.

Mine is up at 2Cents Worth and
. Hope you can all visit me too. Happy Photo Hunting.

Tokenhippygirl said...

How great, to be a kid and able to do that again. At least I think, at one time, I could do that. LOL Happy hunting!