This is part of the huge lake we will be staying on the blobs in the water are Pete and the boys and the boat is one of my Uncles.
This is the side of the rental cottage that we stayed in, in 2005. The bins have to by hung like that with the lid on tight to stop the wild bears from ransacking them. There was a family of chipmunks living under the cottage my Aunt was renting, that the boys loved feeding nuts too as they came right to your hand. I don't have a picture of the cottage that they bought last year so I can't show you the house we will be staying in this time.
This is us on the Jet boats at Lake Niagara and was one of the highlights of the trip. We are on the back row, you can see the boys in the blue waterproofs.
We are still on the boat somewhere under the water, which when sat down went up to our waists until it drained out of the boat. Thankfully it felt like warm bath water.
I have been asked if there is any room in my suitcase to stow people across with us. This could be a problem as Pete seems to have the idea that we are only taking one small suitcase between the four of us for 3 weeks - in his dreams I'll fill that one with just my shoes!!
You have good reason to be excited..however I was rather scared at the pic of those Jet!!..people go on those...for fun??..I'm not keen on deep water mind you.x
Definitely reason to be excited. Oh my goodness. Incredible beauty!
Beautiful photos .
Great photos. I live only an hour from the Falls, but have never done the boat ride. Should definitely get up there this summer and remedy that.
Two words... LUCKY COW! Oh, can I say cow in a comment? Or will someone tell me off? Its meant with affection but I do seem to be being taken the wrong way of late. You know what I mean dontcha Rach xxx
I'd like to bring back a certain level of decorum to these comments... you lucky b****r!! When are you going? great photos by the way
So Jealous! No wonder you're excited! I've been on one of those boats, in NZ- never again! Blurgh. PS I see you're reading Garth Nix- I've met him! My boy interviewed him for a radio show. He is such a nice bloke!
Oooo...lucky, lucky you going to Canada! DH and i have been twice now and our latest trip was only November (2007) when we too went to Toronto (and Niagara!), but hired a camper van and moved around quite a bit (also up to Algonquin park and over the border to New ENgland). where abouts are you going this trip , maybe i have some tips!
p.s...that suzyB is a cheeky cow using words like 'cow' in a comment! ;)
How nice to see pics of the places that you are going to, it looks really gorgeous, and no wonder you are really looking forward to going back. Not sure that I fancy a trip in that boat though, even with my love of the water!! I never made it as far as Niagara, probably should have done though ... there has to be a lesson in there somewhere!
Oh I know it's naughty of me but I am soooo jealous :D
It looks fabulous...everything about it!!! Just gonna go off and cry into my self pity hanky now...LOL
Can understand your excitement though... but I need to stow away in your fifth suitcase... I will be quiet HONEST ;-)
Green with envy here too. I've always wanted to visit Canada and your photos have just made me want it even more, it looks fantastic (apart from the boat thing - I don't really do water!).
rachel, i can't find your email address on your blog. please email me and i can pass on some canadain tips!!!
wonderful sos photos! i'd like to try the boat ride (^_^)
Oooh stunning pics! And ok, so there isn't room in your one tiny case .... how about if I come along to carry said tiny case for you??
Love your SPS from yesterday too :)
Wow Rachael those pictures are gorgeous and exciting!! water rafting that's one of things i wanted to do!
Great SOS!!
Rach, I have given you an award - you make my day!!
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