I can't complain though as I started my diet on Monday 7th and so far I have lost 6lb so it's obviously working.
Unless you are interested in my husbands health I suggest you stop reading now! I had a really strange day yesterday as we had a major surprise. Over 4 years ago Pete nearly died, due to anemia which could be caused by either his Crones or his reduced Kidney function ( I refuse to give it, it's proper title of chronic kidney failure as they still work enough to keep him off dialysis). Pete's crones consultant did all the tests from every end to see if he could find anything that could be causing this blood loss but without any luck so 4 years ago he put him forward for an URGENT test where Pete would have to swallow a teeny, tiny camera and it would be tracked all the way through enabling them to check his small intestines. In the meantime Pete has been in the day care unit about once a month for either blood transfusions or iron infusions until about 6 months ago when his blood count seemed to go up and hold it's own as he started fortnightly injections of EPO. EPO is basically (simplified) something that your kidneys produce which sends a message to the bone marrow to use the iron to make the blood. So reduced kidney function = reduced epo = reduced blood count. They didn't give him these injections 4 1/2 years ago because they were too expensive, like monthly infusions and transfusions are free ??!?? So just as everything is settled and the hospital only sees him once every 3-4 months I get a phone call from Liverpool hospital informing me that Pete has an appointment to swallow the camera on Valentines Day. Apparently the lady that phoned me has been fighting Pete's corner for 3 years since she first got the request for him to have this test, unbeknown to us he was actually booked in for it in 2006 but they had to cancel it due to the lack of funding. It has taken her all this time to get the PCT to agree to pay for his test and without that they would not perform this very new test on him. The only problem now is that I can't stop thinking about that film "Inner Space" as I have visions of this little teeny weeny man sitting in the capsule that Pete has to swallow ready to take photos of his innards. The fun bit is that Pete has to catch the camera afterwards and it could take up to a week to appear, doesn't bare thinking about.
I have had a few comments about my curly wurly which is actually one of my secret weapons when I am on a diet, the other being Solero ice lollies. I lost about 5 stone a few years ago now, going from a size 20/22 to a size 8/10 and my treat on the days I had been good enough was a curly wurly as they only have 2.5 Weight watchers points and you can make them last for ages, Solero's only have 2 points for an exotic or 1 point for an orange fresh one. Having these to look forward too at the end of the day always makes me more careful about how many points I eat for the rest of the time as I HAVE to have enough points left so that I can indulge in front of the TV at night.
hehe they still look yummy to me! :D
OMG - I don't fancy having to look for the camera either! lolol But - if it gets results, it will definitely be worth it.
I love Curly Wurlies!!
Well done on the weight loss. Wish I had the motivation to go and do something about mine. :(
oh dear, good luck catching the camera!
well done on the weight loss, thats great! those weight watchers puddings lok pretty indulgent to me - step away from the curly wurly!!
at least they still taste good right? love the ?? at the end (^_^)
well done on losing weight, I dont have the willpower and like to indulge a little too much. Great photo love curly wurlys mmmm.
oh and good luck looking out for that camera lol.
Oh goodness, don't we take good health for granted til we don't have it? Hope the camera investigations go well- maybe a live feed on you tube?!
PS curly wurlys have no calories, honest.
yummy choccies! Well done on the weight loss, I presume you won't be eating the curly wurly?
Oh how inspiring! That's how much weight I need to lose and going very slowly. But I think I'd rather lose it slowly. Thanks for the curly wurly tip. Gotta remember that!
Oh and good luck with the camera.. lol ugh! Needs must.
i currently do slimming world and curly wurlys are a lifeline too as they are only 6 sins!!!
brilliant weight loss too... i'm getting into now, so its slowly starting to creep off.
hope your babies get better soon, mine were both ill over christmas, its draining isnt it. x
don't they say that about maltesers also?..and you get to lift your top up and flash your boobies..(well according to the advert you do);0)x
..... Hmm, I guess if the little tiny man in the camera looks like Dennis Quaid, it won't be so bad will it?
Good luck to hubby with that, and to you with the WW .... enjoy that Curly Wurly later ;)
ROFL I know it's not really funny but I am so with you with the Inner Space thing... It's rotten about Pete being poorly all the time but it is good that you can both look on the bright side a little. Wouldn't like to be the one catching the camera though (good luck Pete)
OMG that's what you are 'stuck' with (curly wurlies and cake) errrmmmm think I need to join weight watchers...lol Looks good to me... I feel really guilty eating sweet stuff but it doesn't stop me eating it. I LOVE curly wurlies :D
Good pic!!
But is the curly wurly still there or has it gone now after keep looking at it all day?? :)
Great shot! & Congrats on the weight loss!
Great news that Pete's test has finally come through, what a relief. LOL about the image of the little person in the camera, on one of the documentaries I saw pictures of what the little camera sees, it is amazing. I wonder if they will let Pete see his images when he goes for his follow up (I presume that you won't be going due to WHITE COATS!).
Glad to hear that the diet is going well, but you have a lot to answer for. Just before I checked your post I had just said to Des that I was really craving chocolate, but was going to hold out as we were so close to supper ... I now have an empty Curly Wurly package on my bed. Naughty, Naughty!!
Can we see Mima on Tuesday 22nd ? I can you meet you at her place. It will be great to meet you both :-)
So glad for Pete. My friend had Leukemia almost 5 years ago and a bone marrow transplant two. She is still going once a week for check ups (!) and is on a cocktail of tablets BUT she is still with us and is much stronger these days. Bloody marvelous what they can do :-) Funding is a major problem for her too :-(
I'd not both catching it . . . I'd look then let it flush away. I'd tell them I never saw it LOL What are they going to do . . . charge you for it!!! :-D
And so very pleased your diet is going well. I have lost most of my weight now. I'd like to be slimmer but at this point I still have some bust ;-) and there is still some fat to support the wrinkles on my face :-D
Hoping 22 is OK . . . then we can confirm with Mima :-)
WOW to your hubby's op! Although I did LOL at the Inner Space idea :D
Thanks for the info on Curly Wurlies - I LOVE them :)
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