Each day the boys have to do jobs to earn pocket money so the more jobs they do the more money they earn, most are simple jobs like putting their shoes away and putting their dirty clothes in the wash as it's little things like this that help me. The most recent addition is brain training, they have to do 3 exercises and one has to be mental arithmetic. Then on a Sunday if there bedroom is spotless they can earn a whole English pound! These lists do change periodically in the past Kyle got paid for changing his underwear each day! So anything that they need to do, like practising their maths and exercising, or things that they hate doing, like changing underwear, showering and brushing teeth get put on the list until they become a habit. Then because I'm the boss and I can be evil if I want to be they get the jobs I hate added on too like cleaning up dog pooh and sorting out recycling. Kyle had to clean the dog pooh yesterday but today the list gets turned over and it is Matt's turn (the list is laminated and double sided). This system has worked well for us for years now, when they were smaller it was 2ps and 5ps that they were earning but as they have got older so has the amount we pay them.
What a great system your using, the thing is my kids both work full time now and I have to get the money from them (Hard Work), Sorry again for tagging you. Marina :~)
that's so cool Rachael :D
Fab system! Think I might have to use that to get my hubby to do anything around the house! Fab shot :D
Paid to change his underwear - lol.
Great system.
Great photo and take on the prompt, what a brilliant system. shame my mum didn't think of it I might have done more round the house! I do remember getting paid to rub her feet though as no one else would do it 50p a foot lol, she tries to get me to do it now but I tell her the price as gone up £5 a foot now ;)
Love the system...think I need to do that with Georgia...might encourage her to do what I ask her to...
I enjoyed having a nosey at your tag answers :o)
I know if I tried a system like this with my kids, they'd want to be paid for every little thing, Ben's answer to any request at the moment is 'What will you give me if I do'. Stuff like this I expect them to do as a matter of course but it might come in handy when they are a bit older and desperate for pocket money.
Love it! Will have to use that on my boys in a few years ;)
30p for cleaning up dog poo, you are a meany!
oh cool! great one (^_^)
Excellent idea! I might just have to steal this!! Great shot :)
Great shot, as ever a lovely angle whilst still keeping everything that is important in focus - wish I had your skill at this! Love the idea of "to dos" for pocket money, and I am very pleased to hear that you alternate picking up the dog poo!
Great idea- I'm all for making kids work for their money!
That is such a great system, I just don't think I'd be organised enough to enforce it in this house.
Mine are supposed to have set jobs to do but most of the time I end up doing them because I can't be bothered with listening to all the moaning when they're reminded!
what a fantastic idea... I can see that getting borrowed for my boys.
Wonder if I could create a currency chart charging Rob for services rendered...LOL!!!
Great idea and great take on the prompt!
Great system, maybe it would help here too.......
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