Thursday, 24 January 2008


That's right I have a bad case of Can't Be Arsed today. I am putting the total blame for this outbreak of CBA on the shoulders of TEENAGE Matt who got up in the Mother of all strops this morning. I have never, ever known anyone go so slow as him, if he went any slower he would be going backwards. So at 7.30 this morning he stropped, I yelled, he stamped mud everywhere, I yelled, he went out, I got a headache. So now I am just sat here waiting for him to get in from school so that he can start all over again - who said having kids was fun!
Matt is currently in the process of choosing his options ready for next year and his GCSE's. We have a meeting at school tonight about this but I think his mind is pretty well made up. He will be doing the core subjects which are Maths GCSE, Statistics GCSE , English Lang GCSE, English Lit GCSE, Science GCSE, Additional Science GCSE, IT 2x GCSE's, Philosophy and Ethics 0.5 GCSE (how can you do half a GCSE), PE, Life Skills, and Work Related Learning. The three subjects he has chosen to take are Separate Sciences which will give him GCSE's in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, Art & Design GCSE and History GCSE. I'm very pleased with his choices we did have a bit of a dilemma between History and Geography but my Dad **Thanks Dad** soon sorted that one out for us as he used to do Careers advice at the High School where he taught and said that History would show that Matthew was about more than just science and would help develop his debating and essay writing skills. So in total, if he passes them all, he will end up with 13.5 GCSE's, 5 of them will be Science based which should help him in his quest to become a Doctor.
I will return later if I think of anything that I can take a picture of for today's prompt of "Overflow".
The love affair is now officially over Kyle has just come in and informed me that he has dumped Vicky as she was getting annoying. Not only that he has done it by text - that's me having serious words with him tonight. See Sue I told you he was a treat em mean type of man!!


Andrew said...

Hi Rach
why are you telling really scary stories about teenagers? My daughter's hormones are just switching on (at 10 years old - what's all that about?) and I'm dreading her becoming a 'Kevinette'. Your experiences don't give me much hope!

PS cool photies as usual!

Unknown said...

Aww Rach, sounds like you had a miserable start to the day, hope the evening improves xx

etteY said...

Hehe Rach, it was just one of those days! Here's to your better mornings!!! (((hugs)))

so, no more puppy luv story? :(

see ya around :-x

Anonymous said...

Awwww HUGZ... I missed your post yesterday... hope you are feeling better now!! I'm soooo glad my DD is all grown up now(even if it does make me feel like a relic I was quite lucky with her but we still had our fair share of strops and sometimes I was the one doing the stropping :D

Mima said...

Sorry to hear that things have been a little cloudy in your part of Winsford, as I am behind on my comments hopefully they will have settled by the time that you read this! And the end of young love as well, all change at your house.

Matt's selections sound very good, these are such big decisions, especially as he wants to be a doctor. Good luck to him with them all.