Wednesday, 15 August 2007

HS:MS - Window

An opening in the wall, filled with glass.

What's the well known saying? "The eyes are the window to the soul". Pete was looking out of our living room window when I took this so you can see the reflection of a regular window with glass in it, in his eye. Two windows for the price of one - I always said I was the BOGOF Queen.

Bob the snail is munching his way through copious amounts of cucumber. He doesn't seem to like cabbage unlike his little cousins in my cabbage patch. Kyle did let him out last night onto the playroom floor to go for a walk or should I say slither. I don't think Bob will get much exercise from now on as Kyle very quickly came to the conclusion that he doesn't like scrubbing snail slime off wooden floors.

It has transpired that Bob is in fact an extreme snail as he went skateboarding across the kitchen table at lunch time and quite fancies giving obstacle course racing a try next. I did put my foot down when go faster stripes were suggested as fuscia pink nail varnish would clash with his colouring terribly.

Pete is much better today (as Bobs antics prove) and should be returning to work tomorrow, once again thank you for all your well wishes they are very much appreciated.



Hazel said...

Love your take on this!! Glad to hear Peter is recovering.

pokettiger said...

Very cool interpretation. Great close up! The snail photo is very fun. It has an amazing shell.

Terrie Farrell said...

Fantastic shot Racheal well done. Love the snail, very funny!

Caz said...

that reflection is so clear. Great photo :) and great interpretation

Diana said...

Love your interpretation and what a patient partner!! Great shot

Eleanor said...

That is a priceless, lovely lovely photo. Very special.

Debbie said...

great take on todays prompt and my boys love that shot of the snail!!

mil lunares said...

wow, great shot! Very special!

Sue said...

Once again you have me rolling in the aisles laughing :)

This photo is prety damn clever, it fact amazing. Just how creative are you? WoW

Laughed about Bob's cousins, the skateboard and the go faster stripes :D

Thanks for making me feel far less stresased :)


Sue said...

ok . . . so i mean stressed :)

Angela said...

I LOVE your 'window' idea.

Great eye shot and the snail photo is brill, love his little skateboard :)

etteY said...

wow a 2 in 1 shot! isn't that amazing?! ;) what a cute snail on skates ;)

Seafoam is my personal choice too... thanks for the help :D

Lima said...

Love the photo!

Not overly keen on the snail though, lol! ;-)


Unknown said...

eww to the snail but I do like his choice in sport. Fabulous photo for window, very cool!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! fab idea for the 'window' oooh and that snail made me shudder lol... love how he's on the skateboard he he