This is my favourite plant in my garden the hosta.
At the moment I have a house full as my friends 2 daughters are here while she goes to the hospital to attend the MRI scan her husband is having this afternoon. The girls and my boys have been friends since they were babies, Lydia and Kyle used to be in the same class and I used to childmind the girls so they all get on really well. It's nice to see them all together and enjoying themselves locking Kyle in the dogs cage and having conversations that I have no chance of understanding involving Moshas and Emos! I'm feeling old :(
Beautiful colors. I love hostas as well, we only have solid coloured leaves.
I do like hostas!! These are such pretty ones, great photo :)
Oh wow, fabulous photo of an amazing plant. Love the different shades in the leaves.
Oh Wow! Its a cool plant, I like the yellow and green in the leaves.
What a great photo, love how you've taken it. Well done. X
such a pretty plant - cool colours!!
great colour!
This plant looks huge! Love the leaves. Lx
I love Hostas and the leaves here have photographed beautifully.
Hope all goes well.
Joshua's friends whom I have known from five are all now taller than me . . . I feel old too :)
Wonderful colours there, Rach. Great pic!
I am dumstruck again grat colours!
Fab shots, I lveo the verigated leaves on Hostas xxx
My mum loves hostas but we have too many slugs and snails.
I laughed at Kyle getting locked in the dogs cage!
I love Hostas! Unfortunately, here it's like putting a sign up saying 'Picnic for Slugs' - I've never had one survive more than a few days....
What a fantastic hosta. Ours have been eaten by the slugs & snails. Hope your DH is feeling better xXx
Hostas without holes! How do you do it? the snails have been rampant in our garden this year.
Gorgeous!!! Love the colors.
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