An easy peasy one at last. The only hard bit was which cloud to choose. I settled on two pictures (again) the first one shows the clouds we had at 8.30am looking from the back of our house. We live in the black triangle.

This second one shows the clouds that are on their way. Another day spent trying to figure out how to dry the washing for me again today. :(

Good job I did this early as it's now 9am and we have totally greydom outside.
h oh oh such beautifule cluds! Love them Di
oops sorry about my spelling!
Oh love the pattern of the cloud in the first pic.
Wow, I love the dramatic look of the grey sky, your first pic is amazing - I want to take pics like this!!
Yep, pretty much the same here, although I saw the tiniest bit of blue so I'm still hopeful.
Love the first pic :-)
Love the first pic with the silhoutte of the roof top.
Mine is not as interesting as that.
Sorry to read that there are lots of clouds in your space. They do look nice, though!
Love both pics - love the way the roof of the house seems to point at the clouds in the first one!
I love the photos, but not sure about the look of those clouds in the second picture!
How cool is that first photo, brilliant!
Love the first shot.
looks as though it is gonna thunder as well..must get myself a black triangle to live in..looks
I love 'em both. Great shots!
Lovely shots Rachael - we had some grey ones here today too - but thankfully it's stayed dry! xx
oh wow, i really like that photo!
great shots!
ooo lovely cloud in the first pic Rachael. Can relate to the second one today!!
Like the first one very much
love both of them - but especially the second one with the sun shining on one of the tree so its a beautiful lime green
Love the first photo.
How do you all fit in that tiny black triangle?! Lovely pics. X
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