Mines an obvious one I am afraid my other idea was double Vodka but I think it's a bit too early in the day for pouring one of those. So instead of drinking I'll go for gambling instead - what must you all think of me? And this is from her who went to France and bought back no wine at all but a boot full of smelly cheese instead.
I got another hire car yesterday which is a Passatt Estate and is very, very nice to drive even if the hand brake is a button and the car key is a card thingy. It even has the boys approval as it has tinted windows so looks kinda cool.

Cor what a shiner.... that looks sooo painful. Glad I only had a daughter she had no one to fight with lol.
Loving your double photo... everyones take on this is sooo different :)
OMG do I have all of this to come!!! bet he's dead proud of his shiner though:)
Great idea for thre double prmpt:)
thats a great photo, i love it!
ouch that eye looks painful!
Great photo, the double vodka was a great idea :D
The eye looks sore, but I bet he secretly loves it!! My boys are 11 and 3 so I thought the age gap would prevent them fighting. It doesn't!! LOL
Oh, that eye rally looks painful...
Love your double phote, really great idea!!
Ooh that black eye looks terrible! I hope he feels alright.
I loved the picture of the dice.
Ouch! My daughter ran into the side view mirror of a car at about the same age--so ugly, and I was afraid she'd be scarred for life--healed beautifully. Love the double take on the words!
wow thats one heck of a shiner! Boys being boys though i bet he is loving it! lol Fab double photo!!
Flip me Rach, what a shiner! Never thought of dice for double ~ great photo :O)
Like your idea of double vodka LOL. Love the dice too. What a black eye, hope it wasn't too serious.
Brill idea for Double. An ouch for the shiner!
great picture
but the eye.... painfull
Great choice for double! Ouch - the shiner photo looks painful.
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