Now this was a difficult one for me as we don't really do white here. Two boys, two dogs and white tend not to mix very well, so we gave up trying years ago. We even drink black tea and coffee so no milk either. After lots of thought and deliberation I came up with this.....
I had an eventful day yesterday so are you sitting comfortably ready for a mammoth blog?
I'm so excited as I've bought Pete the bestest ever birthday present and it's all thanks to Terrie. I was looking at everyone elses pictures yesterday morning when I read Terrie's blog and got so jealous about her going to see Pink that I went onto the MEN's website to see what concerts were happening in Manchester.
Now for the last 17 years, without fail, Pete has asked for a naked lady and a motorbike for his birthday, Christmas and even when I ask him what he wants from Asda. He has had every variation we could think of, naked Barbies, toy bikes, Calenders you name it he's had it all except the real thing, coz I don't count apparently.

I got my car back yesterday, 6 weeks after the accident. It got driven off the van and 2 minutes later it was driven back onto the van as that's how long it took for me to loose my temper. The bonnet, window and right down the passenger side were all covered in huge, white scratches. This is from where the fireman stood on it to get to the other car and then lifted it and bounced it out. How they thought this would be acceptable is totally beyond me. I have no idea how long it is going to take them to repair this but in the mean time I get to drive round in a brand new, super fast Passatt so I'm not complaining.
On the friend front he is out of HDU and has had his drain removed last night. He was sitting up eating sandwiches a couple of hours after the Op so he seems to have come through it OK. The Dr has said it all went to plan but we don't know anything else yet, we should find out tomorrow what happens next. The girls are getting to see their Dad today and then we are paying him a visit tomorrow. We took the girls to see "The Simpsons" last night while their Mum went to the hospital and they really enjoyed it especially the bit where you see Bart's Willy.
Phew I need a cuppa and a rest now.
great shot! and those girls are "hot hot hot" LOL
Wow!! what a success you had yesterday. Glad your friend seems to be making a recovery OK. Love the photo.
Great take on white and a great shot!
lovely pic - great to think that someone at least can have their washing flapping and getting dry! when i hang mine out here at the moment it just gets wetter!!
Wooow! You're wash is sparkling white!
Just so you know, I'm the second girl on the left. hehe. I think that's so cool that you found tickets..sounds like it will be a great time. AND...I love your 'white' photo today.
So glad to hear about your friends hubby. So funny about that concert....and you're right, they are FAR from crusty...what a stroke of luck was that! Hope he has a good time. Seems like we snap on the 'white' issue aswell. X
love your white pic rach - wish we had some blue sky here ! LOL
I've gone for white washing on the line too. Love yours though, you get to see the gorgeous blue sky in your photo.
Love the birthday idea, does he know about it or is it a surprise?
A great idea for the photo :) Like it very much
Great shot of white!
OMG this looks so cool. We LOVE motocross and try to go watch it whenever we can - our shows don't have "crusty" girls though - bummer for our guys! I know you'll have loads of fun. Oh, your laundry shot is great! :-)
Once again Racael I laughed out loud :D
Oh dear I'll be washing 15 white shirts again soon . . . well 5 blouses, 5 size 15 collars and 5 white or blue 15.5 collars. OMG!
Great idea for a pressie. And those girls look . . . er . . . well nothing like me put it that way :D
So pleased for your friend and his family :)
white washing is lovely, but booooo to white ironing that follows... great interpretation:)
Great white shot and babes on bikes, sounds like every chaps dream!
Wow that's really white.
Thanks for your comment on my blog.
Great idea - crisp white laundry hanging out to dry.
Love the white photo Rach, fabalicious xXx LOL at the scantily clad babes on bikes, hope Pete enjoys it :O) Great to hear about your friend too, fingers crossed he makes a full recovery :O)
Haven't had a laundry line in years, but it brings back fond memories of growing up! Love your shot.
It's a very brave person that shows their laundry in public! Respect!
Great shot, Rach
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