Well I had to look through my photo files for this one as I don't have a city near to me today. These were taken from the top of the CN Tower when we visited Toronto, can't wait to go there again next year!
Yesterday I had a bit of a disaster - as usual. I took the boys to the dentist for 10.30 only to be told that I had missed the appointment as it was at 10am so now I have to take them again on Friday. However, I did manage to get Kyle's High School Uniform with no hitches so now he only needs shoes and he is sorted out for September - by baby is nearly all growed up.

I still don't know what is happening with my car so I suppose I better make some phone calls today to see if I can find out. I'm just hoping it's not written off because as soon as I get the cheque they take the hire car off me and then I will have no car until we can buy a new one and that's not good in the summer holidays with 2 boys at home.
It's Orange Wednesday today at the cinema and I am the Queen of BOGOF so we are going to watch "Harry Potter" tonight as they very inconsiderately released it when we were on holiday so we missed seeing it straight away.
OMG WOW Look what has just happened outside my back door. A sparrow hawk has just swooped down and grabbed one of the sparrows off my feeder and sat there with it under it's talons as bold as brass on my patio. If you click on the picture you can see it up closer. Sorry about the quality of the picture but the camera had the wrong lens on and I didn't have the time to change the settings.
Wow - spectacular! wat good shots!
Great pictures! Good luck with your car. Someone has run into our yesterday so.....
Brilliant photos Rach. Enjoy Harry Potter, we loved it :O) xXx
Those are great shots although it looks like you had to climb just a little too high to take them for my liking!!
great great phots
what a joy to look at
great great phots
what a joy to look at
Great photos, love the second one in particular!!
Have a great time at Harry Potter, we all loved it :)
Wow! fab city photos... love the angle on the second one.
Whoow! Those are great shots! I love the perspective from the second one!
wow, what a view! fabulous shots!
Fabulous shots but I agree with Anna . . . the height from which you took them is more than 12" of the ground so no good for me :)
Great shots xx
I thought the two city photos were fantastic but the sparrow hawk one is just brilliant!
Great city photos. I am really amazed by the hawk story and photo. Wow!
Smashing shots, Rach!
Fantastic city shots and OMG what a great (but sad!) birdie shot!
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