Sunday, 26 August 2007

HS:MS - Show Off Sunday

Otherwise knows as S.O.S !!!!

This is the day when Kirsty and i take a little rest and you can post any photo (past or present) that you are particularly pleased with. It could be that you are pleased with the composition of the photo, a technical aspect, or it is just a moment that you are glad that you captured. It doesn't have to fit any theme, so you are completely free to choose and tell why.

I actually found this a lot harder than the self portrait yesterday as I didn't have much time to look as someone lost his snake and we had a whole house to search for a little biddy snake which we eventually found in a baseball glove. So I've ended up choosing one that some of you have seen before but I am so proud of this photo that I had to share again. It's the old frog eat frog picture I'm afraid. I will try harder next week and find something new to share.


Angela said...

That's slightly disturbing, but really cool!

Kate said...

great pic!!!!!!!

Diana said...

Great shot - love the colours

Jolanda said...

I saw this one earlier but it still is a stunning picture!

WendyB said...

The most unusual I've seen today, great shot.

Charli said...

I can say this is great - even with my frogophobia lol, sorry, dont know the correct name for it!!

Angela said...

I haven't seen it before. Is he really eating it? It's an amazing photo, I love it! :-)

Sarah Youde said...

Well done on capturing that moment with such clarity, it looks fab!

Anonymous said...

Wow cool pic. We have someones snake loose right now. Not a clue where he is at.

Looby said...

wow - that's amazing rach!

Lima said...

Glad you found the snake!!

Thanks for your comment, made me laugh but only cos I'm going through the same thing, lol!

Still love that shot, makes me feel sick but its a good shot! ;-)

(OMG, I'm such a girl!)

Vanda said...

I remember this one Rach, it's still fabulous :O)

Louise said...


Terrie Farrell said...

Great photo! X

pokettiger said...
