Monday, 13 August 2007

HS:MS - Drive

To operate a vehicle.

I have two pictures for today's word one I took this morning of Kyle playing with some cars and one I took in France of the result of going for a drive. Matt will go mad if he sees that I have shared this picture.

Pete is off work today as he is still not feeling tip top, bless. He is still not eating and his Crone's has now flared up which makes it even more difficult for him to eat. We are currently trying to get some Fortijuice from the Dr's which is a non-milk based drink supplement that will give him everything he needs for the next few days until he can start eating properly again. Other than that we are good.




Anonymous said...

That picture is so funny. Typical of a boy travelling. Love his tshirt.

Hazel said...

Great pictures! Hope Pete begins to improve and feel better.

Sie und die Andere said...

Love the second photo :) Made me smile.


Sue said...

Love your son asleep. Laughed out loud about him not knowing you'd posted it. Sarah keeps a close eye on what I post but Joshua isn't too bothered :)

So pleased Pete is on the mend. Hope the juice works soon.

Christiane said...

my fav is the second one. *lol* but the other one is fab too!! love that he hold the car in his hand!!

Diana said...

LOL how typical is that! Boys asleep in the car.

Terrie Farrell said...

Oh I'd have made that second picture my screen saver! X

Debbie said...

pmsl fab photo - why is it boys always sleep like theyre catching flies!! lol

Angela said...

Cute little car photo. Love the second, lol :-D

Unknown said...

LOL at your sons photo! Just goes to show they are all the same doesnt it lol

ally said...

fab pictures :)

Anonymous said...

Great photos Rachel, both of them put a smile on my face especially the second one lol

Loved your thread picture too it's so lovely :)

Teena said...

LOL, I relly adore the seconde photo. So cute! The first one is cool, too!

Lima said...

Crikey, he's zonked right out isn't he, lol!

Hope you managed to get the drinks sorted.


pokettiger said...

Fun driving photos. Hope your son doesn't find out about the photo. Don't want anyone else getting a shiner :-D The needlepoint if beautiful -great choice for thread. Last but not least - sorry that your husband is doing so poorly at the moment. Here's wishing he improves right away.

Vanda said...

Great photos Rach especially the second one LOL! I was going to ask you how your DH was poor thing. He is suffering isn't he. Hope he feels better soon xXx

Fiona said...

great pics. Love the first one.

Eleanor said...

Hahaha, that is so funny. I must dig out my similar photos, except mine were age 2 and 3, lol.
The trip we did was to Malham, in North Yorkshire, but took less than 2 hours to get there, would be similar for you I expect. Well worth it, when Pete is feeling up to it.