Thursday, 30 August 2007

HS:MS - Dish

A shallow bowl or radio antenna.

Mmm when is a dish a dish and not a bowl or a plate I ask myself, is there an exact depth where it morphs from one to the other. We don't watch enough TV to warrant Sky so no dish there anymore, bit miffed about Ghost Whisper and Lost now they are on Sky but we refuse to pay silly money to watch 2 programmes. We can usually see Jodrell Bank from our bedroom window but the damn things pointing the wrong way today so nothing there either. So I resorted to the dish/bowl in the front window. At one time it had some beautiful candles in it that looked like stones but in my infinite wisdom I left it in the window and the sun melted them. So now it collects stones from places we have been to, fire cones and dust.

The only other interesting thing today is that it's only 141 hours and 42 minutes until the boys get pushed out of the door ready for school on Tuesday morning.



Anne said...

LOL!! Not looking forward to term starting by any chance, are you? I love your dish, and it reminded me I have a similar(ish) one that I could have used after all! Fabulous photo!

Olivia said...

Thanks for your comment yesterday!
I really liked the cloud photos, it looks like you live in a pyramid! LOL!
Mum got rid of our Sky TV aswell because she didn't like paying for it so now we just watch mostly DVDs.
The dish photo is great too!

Hazel said...

That's an unusual dish (pity about the candles ... have done similar things!)

Terrie Farrell said...

Oh we're counting down in minutes already? Mine don't go back til the 10th! Lovely looking dish and a great idea for the things to put in it.

Diana said...

Great dish and will be thinking of you on Tuesday! LOL

Aubrey Harns said...

I love your shot. Really, it's fantastic!

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous dish, and love your photo.

Pam said...

what a great place to collect your rocks. It reminded me that I have a similar one with shells in it. Love the way you photographed it.

Vanda said...

Great shot Rachel, love the clouds from yesterday too :O)

Looby said...

wow - fantastic shot Rach!

mil lunares said...

this is a fantastic dish!

Eleanor said...

Love the dish photo, almost as much as I love the dish. Actually, I think it must have been meant to be mine really, it shouts my name, and looks longingly at me. And it knows I wouldn't have let its candles melt. ;)

Unknown said...

I love your dish! Tis a pain when stuff moves channels isnt it.