Thursday, 16 August 2007

HS:MS - Chop

To cut into small pieces.

I'm feeling a bit uninspired this morning as I have a wonderful day of housework planned *blech*. At least with the boys and Bob away for a few days everything should stay where I put it and stay clean which will be a novelty. I'm hoping that I can finish it all quickly so that I can then spend the rest of the time until Sunday lunch playing with paper and cameras. If that's to happen I better stop pratting about on here and get started on the dreaded teenage bedroom. If I don't post tomorrow can you send in the search party?


By the way it's my paper trimmer in the picture.


etteY said...

thank you, I used photoshop action on it hehehe... shhhhhh don't tell anyone, aight?

was that a paper cutter on your pic? cool!

Kate said...

oooh, good idea for chop!

Diana said...

OL what a great take on the prompt!! Love your shot

Deanne said...

im new to hsms, your photos are lovely, esp the bruiser! kids eh

Olivia said...

Great photo and thanks for your comment yesterday!

Hazel said...

Great minds - I've just put a photo of my guillotine. Love yours.

Jolanda said...

Nice picture!

Stephanie Mosher said...

Great pictures! I love the snail on the mini skateboard. You are a wonderful photographer! If you don't make it out...we will send someone in to find you...or at least get a picture of you wading around :O) Thanks for sharing!

Sue said...

I am playing catch up too :)

Hope you get through the bedrooms quickly . . . I use a timer so what isn't done doen't get done until next time. If I keep going that's all I'd ever do. Boring :(

Never thought of chopping paper . . . durr :( It always seems food for me :)

Have fun


Looby said...

ooh fab pic Rach - didn't think of using my trimmer!

Lima said...

The teenage bedroom? Ooh you have my utmost sympathy, the pre-teen bedroom is bad enough, lol!

Love the pic, my one of those broke a couple of months back and I *still* haven't gotten around to replacing it!


Maaike said...

great picture!!

Terrie Farrell said...

Very clever racheal!

Eleanor said...

You are on your own??? Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine that. Quit the cleaning girl, and get cutting and snipping and glueing and clicking.

Debbie said...

hehe im a scrapper and i didnt even think of taking a pic of the trimmer! great shot!!

Unknown said...

I like the angle of this one, brill!

Vanda said...

Brilliant, what a fab idea :O) Just caught up with your excellent window photo Rachel ~ love it xXx

Anonymous said...

Great idea again, love the shot... hope you are enjoying your little bit of time to yourself :)

Anonymous said...

Love the angle on your photo of the paper cutter. Clever response to the prompt!