For the first time ever I didn't get chattery teeth at the hospital, I did get sweaty palms, felt sick and shook ever so slightly but my teeth stayed still, amazing. I seem to suffer from White Coat Syndrome so two years ago now I stopped going to all of Pete's appointments after about 7 years of torturing myself every 3 months. I didn't plan to go yesterday, maybe that's why my teeth behaved themselves, but Pete called home on his way so on the spur of the moment I went too. After a weigh in, blood pressure test, a visit from the dietitian and a hour and half wait we got to see Dominic. Amazingly enough Pete is well, which is something we have not heard for years. His kidney function has not altered for years, his blood count is excellent for him and comes in at 104 instead of the normal Pete level of 79-85 and his iron levels are OK but this could be due to inflammation rather than actual iron. Apparently they are going to try and find out where Pete is hiding his iron as it isn't where it should be??? I tried to look in his wallet for it last night but he wasn't having any of it. So basically everything is as OK as it can be and come back in 3 months with a bottle of wee. Seems like the symptoms he's getting are due to the lowering of the steroids which has set the crones off so up go the steroids and my grocery bill.
Today's promy (it's catching on Sue) is crystal. My take on this is in 4 parts as there is a story behind my crystals. This can be blamed on my Uncle Nick who is a geology professor, author and documentary maker and is mad about rocks - obviously and who took us to a rock fair when we visited Canada a couple of years ago. The facial expressions on the pics do look like they weren't enjoying themselves and were there under duress but they boys actually loved it as they got to choose their own geodes when they were in one piece, they looked rather like prehistoric eggs.

Then they got to watch the man split them into two pieces.
They were then left with four large pieces of geode that got us surrounded and stopped at customs when they went through the x-ray machine.

And, finally, if you are still with me my take on the word for today.
Ooh glad to hear everything went well, well done Pete. Are you due another 3 GWs yet, cant remember what you've had so far?
What fantastic news, you must be over the moon, and especially when you thought that it might be bad news. Now you just have to find the hyperactive Pete with steriods - so that means lots of STARCH (important stuff when you are on steriods as you feel very certain that you have to stuff your face with it). The good news is that if the steriod levels are high enough you will get hyperactive Pete anyway - he just might not sleep very much! Fingers crossed!
Glad all's well, what a relief for you. Good crystal pic...
wow it's so beautiful!!!!
glad things are worksing out for you! love the crystal shot!
gorgeouys crystal, good news about yesterday :)
Fab news and the the picture is stunning.
Gorgeous crystal! And such good news about your husband (btw if you manage to find his iron, perhaps you'll find John's - hubby - with it!)
wonderful shot!
happy news! :D and stunning crystal shot :D
have a glorious weekend!
Really pleased to hear everything went well for you. Love the crystal shots - it looks like a great thing to do. I have only ever seen geodes 'ready cut'. x
LOL Promy LOL . . . You so just cheered me up . . . Thanks.
And Pete . . . Excellent news absolutely excellent. Understand a little as have had steroids myself plus BF who had bone marrow transplant has just come off them. I ate like a horse AND had so much excess energy, not physical though, that I was buzzing all over the place. Poor Ian found it hard to keep up with my train of thought LOL
LOl at the iron. I need some too . . . maybe it's with my grapes LOL (you need to have read the disturbed photo prompt to get it)
No sp . . . naughty girl :)
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