Being nosy like I am I visited Vanda this morning to see what she was up to and found this so I had to have a go too.
Today's word from HS:MS is grain. I have resorted to using Elliot again as the best light in the house is in his vivarium so here it is the grains of ground walnut that we use as his substrate which have ended up scattered on his basking rock. Pretty lame I know but I couldn't be bothered to tip out the rice box or the bird seed container as I would only have had to clear it up again and it's pitch black outside so that was out of the question. I will try harder tomorrow but don't hold your breath, I will be in a total tiz as Pete sees his kidney consultant in the afternoon.

LMAO, I spotted this on Vanda's too so funny, must have a go. I love your grumpy face, priceless!!
Tee hee - must have a go at putting my face to one!
Great shot! Hope the appointment with the consultant goes well tomorrow.
Great shot. Love the lighting!
I Elfed myself last year!! Might do them boys...
Great pic :D
Maybe we should do a HS:MS Christmas Elf show :)
Great shot. No idea why you aren't pleased with it.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
((hugs)) Sue
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