Welcome to the Asylum
Self Portrait Saturday again. I thought I would go with my hands today with badly manicured nails and all. Ohh look I'm knitting - again. The scarf is growing and is about 1/4 finished, which isn't bad seeing as he wants it to go from knee to knee and he's taller than me. 
A nice surprise dropped through the letterbox this morning in the form of an interim school report from Matthew. The last one was dire, very dire so he was threatened persuaded to pull his proverbial socks up and make more of an effort this year. It appears he has done just that so the bribe persuasion obviously worked resulting in 17 A’s, 27 B’s and only 6 C’s. I can’t wait for him to come back from his trip tomorrow to congratulate him and hand over his £17 bribe money reward as I am sure he will be as pleased as we are. I must point out that the marks are for Classwork Quality, Homework Quality, Overall Effort and Behaviour not for his working level which makes it even better that he has got good scores as it means he is trying hard. I have a feeling the fact that Kyle has now joined him at High School has something to do with this dramatic turn around – sibling rivalry and all that.Now SuzyB might just be starting to think of buying things for Christmas presents but not me I’m not that slow. I have not only bought all our Christmas presents, well at least ordered them all, I have even bought Pete’s Valentines present for next year. Normally we don’t even bother with cards for Valentines day but I couldn’t resist and needed an excuse. We are going to Manchester Palace theatre on Thursday 7th February to see “The Asylum- the Circus of Horrors” not suitable for children! The circus of Horrors is now back with a brand new, super shocking, awe inspiring, jaw dropping show that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat (when not falling of it with laughter). 
How cool is that? I like stretchy skin man myself, Pete's looking forward to the scantily clad females - typical. He'll certainly get an eyeful as I booked us front row seats this morning.
Not sure about the circus, but great news on the grades! The knitting sounds as if it is racing along. I thought I was doing well with Christmas shopping, but as soon as something is going to plan .....
All this talk of Christmas shopping could leave me very anxious and disturbed - haven't done any. Good news about the school report. Like the SPS for today.
fist off love the new look blog..was planning a new banner myself..not sure what yet???..
Eww..stretchy skin man...omg spooky!!..I would love to knit something.x
I know, you could do all my christmas shopping for me, you know as a little surprise. I'll pretend I dont know anything about it til you go 'here, all done!'
Well done Kyle for his grades he certainly deserves his scarf doesnt he.
Hmm not sure about that circusy thing, all looks a bit scary to me...
Errr . . . explanation required . . . falling about with laughter. Not sure I'd be able to open my eyes :D A little squemish !
Well done Matthew. We had similar chat to Joshua in year 9 and he has turned his work around. He needed to! I think our boys are of a similar age.
LOL at the bribe/reward we do this too. Well it "works" in the real world so it's got to be worth a try.
Great scarf :) Sue
Well done on the knoitting!
Great knitting pic but not so keen on the others!!! LOL
eeeek to the circus!!! I went to seeh the jim rose circus way back when I was a student... it's haunted me for years...LOL!!!
Keep going with the scarf, it's looking very neat
Love the banner!
Oh my god those poeple must be mad....... Well you nails are nicer than mine i bite mine i get told off all the time my mum has the most beautiful nails and my sister trained as a nail technision :~) xx
Hi Rach! first of all I'd like to say I LOVE! your new blog header! second of all, I want you to know that you have a lovely hands even without nail polish and everything, it looks better than mine, WAY better! LOL! and lastly I'm happy to hear that Kyle has a gf now LOL! love your cute little story of your son and his gf!
have a great week ahead!
What an interesting circus. The sretchy skin man is rather scary to me - I would have used his pisture for the distrubred prompt.
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