HS:MS's prompt today is collect which got me thinking about my dolls. When I was little I used to collect dolls but not just any old doll. I used to collect national costume dolls the catch was that they had to have been bought in the country that they represented. During the 1970's and early 1980's I amassed a collection of about 70 dolls in total from all over the world, mainly thanks to my wonderful Grandpa who passed away when I was 16. He travelled everywhere and got me dolls from Russia, Africa, Japan and Romania to name but a few, all of which were unusual places to visit in the 1970s. My picture today shows the only one that I still have on display which is the Indian doll that he bought me back from one of his visits there. This is my favourite as it is where he was born and lived until he was 17 and where I hope to visit one day. All the other dolls are safely packed away in tissue paper and boxes in the attic as they collect far too much dust to be on display. This one is growing old, fading and getting moth eaten on my bedroom windowsill. 
This is what happened to the rotten bananas the other day they magically turned into chocolate and banana muffins and then magically disappeared!

The lizard is still missing.
Kyle is still with Vicky and still in love. He kissed her for the first time yesterday from what I understand it was a peck on the lips but was very pleasant!
Twig is at the cleaners which is a good job really seeing as somebody left him outside this morning and I didn't realise until it was time for his appointment. By this time he had been for a swim in the pond, dug about in some mud and rolled about on a dead frog. I'll let you imagine the look on the groomers face when I dropped him off this morning and what I will be saying to the somebody when they get in tonight.
Oh my word - I love that doll. He's stunning!
Love the look of those muffins too. Yummmmy!
Yikes about Twig! We used to have a border collie who liked nothing more than rolling in cowpats. YUUUK!!!
Love the muffin pic with the hands reaching in!
Fabulous subject and story for today's prompt.
very nice doll! my mom has a bit of a collection too since she's travelled everywhere herself and hope to one day have all her collection with me ... if she can afford shipping them all (^_^)
Lovely doll. Yummy muffins (not surprised they disappeared).
Great picture and the muffins look delish.
lovely doll! but too scared to have one! LOL! I love your muffins look yummo!
Great shot of your doll. He looks so content sitting there. Those muffins look yummy! All great shots.
Kissing, how exciting - you must be on tenderhooks, nice that he is talking to you about it all. First love is something very special!
I love the story that goes with the photo, and it is a very pretty doll with a great photo to boot.
What an amazing doll collection. Love the one in the photo - so unique and interesting. great muffin photo too. Fun how the banana's used were in your "almost" photo earlier.
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