Today's picture is a blatant cheat as I can't stop coughing long enough to get a decent shot but I still wanted to take part in today's HS:MS prompt which is wet. 
This was taken in North Wales last Feb when Twig was just a baby.
Hopefully I'll be feeling a bit better by tomorrow and I won't have to cheat again.
AW! Bet pup shook all over you as soon as you'd snapped this?! Been there, done that...
It's a great photo, kighting, composition etc, fab.
It may be a cheat, but that is a fantastic photo! Love the way that the light is reflecting on the ripples in the sand.
Sorry to hear that you are still feeling grotty, you have been having really bad luck with catching things the last couple of months - I suppose that it is the boys bringing stuff back from school - not a lot you can do about that. Thinking about you anyway and sending lots of healing thoughts!
Awwww bless poor Twig! Fab shot though!
Hope you feel better soon. xxx
aw, what a fantastic photo!
hope you feel better soon
Awwwww - it's a terrific cheat!¬ Hope you're feeling better soon.
very nice shot! get well soon (^_^)
Oh you are so forgiven ! This is just ADORABLE. Great shot Rach :-)
Hoping you will get some rest today now the children are in school again and feel better soon.
Bye for now . . . Sue
That is a fantastic shot.
Did you get wet when he shook his coat?
aaah he looks sad....give him a hug for me!
such a fabby pic..I love it..however I think Twig doesn't care too much for being wet..bit like Niamh..x get well soon.
OMG...this is just too darn it.
Oh bless him!! He looks so sad, bet the wet dog aroma was good though! LOL! Lovely photo!
Aww how sweet does he look! Gorgeous shot. Why Twig?
Awwww now he is C U T E!!!! :D
So cute! I hope you feel better real soon!!!
That's a wonderful shot. He's so adorable!
aww how cute!!
get well soon! (((hugs)))
Aww! I love this photo. Its so sweet, just beautiful and a perfect photo for the word :-)
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