We have an escapee in the house running loose somewhere in the form of a tail less lizard. We have 6 small lizards in one vivarium who have lived happily together for 2 years now until "Spikey" decided to become a bully. Poor "Sticky" (yes, we are genuinely that bad at pet names) got in the line of fire one day and lost his tail. I think this was the last straw for Sticky and he made a bid for freedom last night, when Pete opened the door he used his arm as a spring board and headed under the sofa. Trouble is he is that bloody fast we can't catch him. Matt's idea was to tip crickets all over the floor and wait for him to come out, yeah really clever Matt the crickets won't go into the dark under the sofa will they! Pete's idea is not much better as he wants to leave it there until Twig finds it and eats it, very caring I must say. Kyle didn't have an opinion as he was too busy talking to Vicky on MSN again. So I will probably be spending most of today on my hands and knees with a torch trying to catch a tail less lizard as that is the only idea I can come up with. It's amazing how they keep wanting pets but then I am left to deal with them.
Great shot for today. I love spring onions!
You must keep us all up to date, on a daily basis, about Kyle and Vicky!
..... and they call it puppy love .....
Oops about the missing lizard, I hope that you don't end up spending too much time chasing it around!
Its another great photo, with interesting perspective and great focus. Interesting background, I was trying to work out what you had used, but couldn't, it has a great texture without being invasive - let us into the secret!
I really didn't know what that was when it first flashed up but that's a great shot. x
Cool shot!
Hope you find the escapee!
Great snip today!!! pity about the 'snipped' lizard.
Oh no!!! hope the quest to capture the tail less lizard goes well... must say though, I am liking the tipping dinner bugs on the floor idea...LOL!!!
With you on the snip... Jaspa has benn snipped too!!! great oinion shot
great shot- hope the lizard turns up soon!
Great take on the word today. I know how you feel about kids and pet i just get so cross when they come home with a new pet, middle son(18) has just got lizard but it is me feeding it crickets, daughter(17) got rabbit last year and paid 20 pounds for it and it looks like a rabbit you see by the side of road (hahaha) hope you find lizard :~) xx
Reminds me of a stick insect escapade from my childhood lol.
Great shot Rach :o)
hope you find your lizzard, I'm not good with fast moving things with long tongues..lol..x
great shot today.
My mum eats a spring onion sandwich every day (for her heart she says,lol).
Can't helpwith the lizard, but know all about kids wanting pets for you to look after.
Great shot, I also have visions of you all dashing around the lounge trying to catch him...hope you do soon.
lOL lmao about the lizard - now dont laugh, but Shaun snr used to keeps snakes in his bedroom back in the day when we first met, and they often escaped - I had visions of being attacked by these snakes in the night, when I used to stay over at his house. I am PMSL as i am typing this. It might be one of those where you had to be there to find it funny though lol either that, or my warped SOH.
Love the pic - fab DOF Rach - grand!
Great shot - love spring onions.
Hope you've found the lizard.
Excellent shot of the snip! I was fortunate with mine:)
Sarah talks to Tim on MSN every night . . . so sweet :) Had their first date at the cinema on Sunday would love to blog it but the lil madam has taken to checking what i write about her. Just to say she opted for some popcorn, fine, but also strange drink that turned her lips blue. Not an attractive look I fear!!!
Love reading about your pets :) So weird! :)
great shot!
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