Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Waiting for my telegram

As the title say this is my 100th post with HS:MS WoooHooo I didn't think I would last this long but it is truly addictive. Today's word is Alley which I don't happen to have in my space so here is one I prepared earlier, at The Black Country Museum in October to precise.

Elliot now seems to have settled into his new home and has put his beard away, turned back to his normal colour and started eating his crickets again this morning. It's a bit of a relief I can tell you. Got a wonderful day planned today of tidying and cleaning my craft room - urrggghhh.
I just noticed, the other day, that when I click on my photies they don't enlarge, they used to when I started but then they just stopped. Does anyone know why this happened or how I can make them enlarge again?


Anonymous said...

Rachael- congratulations on your 100th post- wow! And your alley is awesome, looks like an interesting place.

Maaike said...

congrats! :-)
great alley

Unknown said...

Congrats on your 100th post and love the photo.

The Cook said...

Well done you for managing 100 posts! I love your alley shot - the different brickwork and tiles are great. x

Bambi said...


Mima said...

Will you send love to Pete, and tell him to be more careful of himself!

Are you resizing the photos to put them up? I wonder if you put them up at a bigger size if that might make a difference.

Glad to hear that Elliot has returned to his usual self and is enjoying his dinner once again.

Congrats on your 100th.

Hazel said...

Interesting alley. Congrats on your 100th HS:MS post! My photos don't enlarge either - would love to know why not.

Jenga said...

Woo Hoo 100 congrats!! :D Great shot :D

Unknown said...

Woo hooo well done on 100 :o)

Lovely alley shot, lots of different textures.

Not sure why the enlarging thing. I find that if I upload my photos at work, they dont enlarge, but from home they do. I always upload without resizing now so that when I transfer it all to a book, there's no problem with quality.

Aubrey Harns said...

Congrats on 100!!! Great shot too. I really love it.

Sue said...

Great shot :)

Mine used to enlarge but don't any more either. Quite pleased for my sp shots LOL

I would like to know why though
