Friday, 31 August 2007

HS:MS - S.P.S No 2

Well it's the dreaded Self Portrait Saturday again. I decided to bite the bullet today and not hide behind anything so here's me all ready to go bowling. It's only £1 a game on a Saturday morning before 11am and yes we are cheap so that's when we go. Then we are going to go and watch Transformers at the pictures this afternoon.

We had some fantastic news yesterday. My friend came to see us before I could get to her with the results of her husbands tests. He has had 3 quarters of the brain tumor removed and it is very low grade and slow growing which means he needs no further treatment. They only removed 3/4 of the tumor because of where it is but they have said that if they need to they can remove some more in the future. He has been signed off work for 8 weeks and he will have to have regular checks and tests. He will also be unable to drive or work at heights for the next 12 months, bit difficult for a builder but his boss is very understanding. We are letting him have another 2 weeks to recover a bit more and then we are going to go out and celebrate, t-total style for now.

HS:MS - Chew

To bite and grind with the teeth.

I knew straight away what I was going to attempt to get a shot of today. So armed with my camera I went and knocked on the loo door to ask Matt if it was feeding day today. When he said it was I didn't think for one minute I would actually manage to capture it as it's pretty quick and only does it every other day but Way Hay I got it. So I present you with Synner munching on a live cricket covered in calcium and vitamin powder.

For those people who may be concerned about me dragging my children off the toilet just so I can get a photograph for HS:MS don't worry he had been in there for about 30 minutes and was only reading his book.

The only other news I have is that our friend has now been discharged from hospital and is recovering well at home. We find out today what his results are and what further treatment he needs. Other than that not a lot is happening around here at the moment.


Thursday, 30 August 2007

HS:MS - Dish

A shallow bowl or radio antenna.

Mmm when is a dish a dish and not a bowl or a plate I ask myself, is there an exact depth where it morphs from one to the other. We don't watch enough TV to warrant Sky so no dish there anymore, bit miffed about Ghost Whisper and Lost now they are on Sky but we refuse to pay silly money to watch 2 programmes. We can usually see Jodrell Bank from our bedroom window but the damn things pointing the wrong way today so nothing there either. So I resorted to the dish/bowl in the front window. At one time it had some beautiful candles in it that looked like stones but in my infinite wisdom I left it in the window and the sun melted them. So now it collects stones from places we have been to, fire cones and dust.

The only other interesting thing today is that it's only 141 hours and 42 minutes until the boys get pushed out of the door ready for school on Tuesday morning.


Wednesday, 29 August 2007

HS:MS - Cloud

A mass of water vapour.

An easy peasy one at last. The only hard bit was which cloud to choose. I settled on two pictures (again) the first one shows the clouds we had at 8.30am looking from the back of our house. We live in the black triangle.

This second one shows the clouds that are on their way. Another day spent trying to figure out how to dry the washing for me again today. :(

Good job I did this early as it's now 9am and we have totally greydom outside.


Tuesday, 28 August 2007

HS:MS - Apple

A red or green fruit from a tree.

I couldn't choose what to take a picture of today so I took photos of 2 things. My Dad bought me two apple trees this year for my birthday and one of them has got 2 Jonagold apples on it - not bad for it's first year and we can't wait to try them! Took a few goes to get this shot as I didn't want the unmown lawn, yucky grey clouds or the horrible fence in the picture.

The other picture is of a bag of apples we picked when we were out for a walk along the River Weaver a couple of days ago. We spotted the apple tree growing at the side of the path so used a dog poo bag (recycled bread bag) to carry them home in. I made an apple crumble with some of them last night which was delicious, even more so for being free, and as you can see there are plenty left to make some more crumbles and an apple and blackberry cake for Kyle.


Monday, 27 August 2007

HS:MS - Sun

An object that gives light and warmth.

Now this could have been a hard one as there is a distinct lack of sun in my space today. I could give you plenty of grey clouds but no sun - yet! So it's a good job that last night I went out into the garden and took this picture through my Acer. I wonder if that means I'm psychic?

We are off to look at push bikes now as Kyle has managed to bugger his up by doing jumps that it is not designed to do.

Sunday, 26 August 2007

HS:MS - Show Off Sunday

Otherwise knows as S.O.S !!!!

This is the day when Kirsty and i take a little rest and you can post any photo (past or present) that you are particularly pleased with. It could be that you are pleased with the composition of the photo, a technical aspect, or it is just a moment that you are glad that you captured. It doesn't have to fit any theme, so you are completely free to choose and tell why.

I actually found this a lot harder than the self portrait yesterday as I didn't have much time to look as someone lost his snake and we had a whole house to search for a little biddy snake which we eventually found in a baseball glove. So I've ended up choosing one that some of you have seen before but I am so proud of this photo that I had to share again. It's the old frog eat frog picture I'm afraid. I will try harder next week and find something new to share.

Saturday, 25 August 2007

HS:MS - S.P.S 25/08/07

S.P.S = Self Portrait Saturday.

OMG I hate photographs of myself which explains the late post today. I couldn't possibly have done one without my better half on it today as it is exactly 13 years ago today since we got married. I took this using a tripod and the timer.



Friday, 24 August 2007

HS:MS - Stone

A hard solid mineral.

As soon as I saw this prompt this morning I knew what I was going to do. It is a bit of a cheat as it is not actually in my space today but hay ho. I took this when we on holiday in Canada it is an "Inukshuk", they were originally used by the Inuit people of Canada as landmarks to help them herd the reindeer and provide companionship in their vast and lonely land. This one was taken on an Island near to Parry Sound on Georgian Bay, Lake Huron. It was actually grown man size and as you can see it is dry stacked, they are lots of them all over the place near there.

We have just had some good news. Our friend may be able to come home from the hospital for the weekend tomorrow before returning on Monday or Tuesday. They have removed a tumor from his brain but we still don't know what it is and what further treatment he may need. The Dr does suspect that it is a low grade tumor but we will just have to wait and see. Pete and I are going to go and visit him tonight which we are quite looking forward to as it will be lovely to see him and have a chat.

Thursday, 23 August 2007

HS:MS - White

The palest colour and sign of purity.

Now this was a difficult one for me as we don't really do white here. Two boys, two dogs and white tend not to mix very well, so we gave up trying years ago. We even drink black tea and coffee so no milk either. After lots of thought and deliberation I came up with this.....

I had an eventful day yesterday so are you sitting comfortably ready for a mammoth blog?
I'm so excited as I've bought Pete the bestest ever birthday present and it's all thanks to Terrie. I was looking at everyone elses pictures yesterday morning when I read Terrie's blog and got so jealous about her going to see Pink that I went onto the MEN's website to see what concerts were happening in Manchester.
Now for the last 17 years, without fail, Pete has asked for a naked lady and a motorbike for his birthday, Christmas and even when I ask him what he wants from Asda. He has had every variation we could think of, naked Barbies, toy bikes, Calenders you name it he's had it all except the real thing, coz I don't count apparently.

So I was scrolling down the list of events to see if Pink was playing there at anytime soon when I saw a listing for the "Crusty Demons" having never heard of this band, and being very nosey, I took a look. It only turns out that they are the best ever motorbike stunt team AND they have Crusty Babes, who upon further investigation, aren't that crusty. So I have booked tickets for the 4 of us for Jan 3rd 2008 to go and see them. So Pete is now getting his motorbikes and lots of scantily clad babes in black leather bikinis. How cool is that!! I owe Terrie big time because if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have thought to look at the website *Thanks Terrie*.

I got my car back yesterday, 6 weeks after the accident. It got driven off the van and 2 minutes later it was driven back onto the van as that's how long it took for me to loose my temper. The bonnet, window and right down the passenger side were all covered in huge, white scratches. This is from where the fireman stood on it to get to the other car and then lifted it and bounced it out. How they thought this would be acceptable is totally beyond me. I have no idea how long it is going to take them to repair this but in the mean time I get to drive round in a brand new, super fast Passatt so I'm not complaining.

On the friend front he is out of HDU and has had his drain removed last night. He was sitting up eating sandwiches a couple of hours after the Op so he seems to have come through it OK. The Dr has said it all went to plan but we don't know anything else yet, we should find out tomorrow what happens next. The girls are getting to see their Dad today and then we are paying him a visit tomorrow. We took the girls to see "The Simpsons" last night while their Mum went to the hospital and they really enjoyed it especially the bit where you see Bart's Willy.

Phew I need a cuppa and a rest now.


Wednesday, 22 August 2007

HS:MS - Friend

A person you know particularly well.

This prompt had me rolling about laughing in the garden at 7.30 this morning, the neighbours must be thinking we have finally gone barking mad! I have a slight lack of friends to take pictures of today (everyone say Ahhhh) as they are either on holiday, live miles away or are in hospital so I took this picture of my best friend instead.
This was the second attempt, on the first attempt he behaved like a girl shouting "It's sunny, it's sunny, it's really, REALLY sunny" and shutting his eyes. We'll gloss over the fact that I hadn't put the memory card in either.
So on the second attempt he got into position in the sun and shut his eyes tight, instructing me to say go when I was ready. The result as you can see is, well, how can I put it ... scary. And just to think I married it.
The new lens worked well though!
I'm not sure what happened in our friends operation yesterday as when I saw Ang she was rushing off to the hospital and the girls were with us so she wasn't saying much. I do know that he had told the nurse, that phoned, to say "Hi" to her, so at least that bit of the battle is over and done with now.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

HS:MS - Wet

Covered or saturated with water.

Bit of a cheat today I am afraid I do have a good excuse or two though. I took this a couple of months back when we went on the canal. I love this photo of my Dad *waves to Dad* . Kyle definitely ended up wet as Dad progressed on to cups of water.

I had the girls all day yesterday and they stayed for tea as their Mum and Dad had to wait for 4 hours before he got the MRI scan. My friend was asked to attend as they couldn't spare a nurse to wait with him. We had great fun though as I took all the kids to the local pet place and we all got to hold Charlotte the Tarantula which made the girls day. Don't think their Mum's too happy as they now want a pet one! Their Dad's brain operation started at noon today and it should take about 4 hours so I keep popping across to check they are all OK I think I may go and sit with her later so that she has some company while she waits. Pete and I are taking all the kids to see "The Simpson's" tomorrow night while she goes to visit him in the high dependency unit so we are looking forward to that.

It's Pete's birthday today, he's the grand old age of 39 so we are celebrating with a takeaway tonight, we know how to celebrate in style here. To be honest I don't think we feel like doing much else today and we wanted to make sure the girls can come across if they need to. We have our anniversary to look forward to on Saturday so we can try and do something then if we can.
As a quick add on to yesterday my hosta stays so slug free because it is planted in the middle of a gravel patio so the slugs and snails won't venture near it.

Monday, 20 August 2007

HS:MS - Plant

A green living organism.

This is my favourite plant in my garden the hosta.

At the moment I have a house full as my friends 2 daughters are here while she goes to the hospital to attend the MRI scan her husband is having this afternoon. The girls and my boys have been friends since they were babies, Lydia and Kyle used to be in the same class and I used to childmind the girls so they all get on really well. It's nice to see them all together and enjoying themselves locking Kyle in the dogs cage and having conversations that I have no chance of understanding involving Moshas and Emos! I'm feeling old :(

Sunday, 19 August 2007

HS:MS - Can

A container for food or liquid.

I eventually managed to get today's prompt done and dusted. It is a can of Sardines and Goats Cheese that we bought back from France with us and haven't been brave enough to eat - yet! We love both things but we're not sure about them together.

The boys arrived home at lunch time today so that is the end of my peace and quiet until September. We now have 2 new additions to the house hold one is Matt's Rough Green Snake which is called Synner and the other is an even larger Giant Snail called Dr Evil which means that the smaller Bob has now been renamed Mini Me. I will try and get some photographs to share soon.

My friends husband is due to have a brain operation to remove whatever is in there, other than his brain, on either Tuesday or Friday next week and then they will decided where to go from there. I just wish there was something we could do to help.


Saturday, 18 August 2007

HS:MS - Fly

To move through the air.

Or not as the case may be. I found this prompt really difficult today, honestly I did try really hard and I had lots of ideas.

1. Kites - on holiday with the kids.

2. Plane trails in the sky - yeah right, in this weather ?

3. Flags - looked every where in Chester and not a one was flying today.

4. Hot Air Balloon - No chance.

5. Birds - Seem to have abandoned our garden when I need them.

6. A live insect actually flying - raining again so I'm not kneeling down in the garden for hours.

7. Trouser Fly - Fiona beat me to it.
So as you can see a really did try before I had to resort to the only thing I could find which was a dead fly on my windowsill. If you look at the picture upside down it sort of looks like it could be flying ish!

We've had a pretty good day to today as we went to Chester this morning to get a lens cap for the camera from the London Camera Exchange. When we were in there I bought Pete (us) a new lens for the camera for his birthday. It's a prime lens 50mm f1.8 and it's fantastic. I can't wait for his birthday next week so that I can use it. Some serious shopping in "Fat Face" was then called for as there was a half price sale. We then called at the reptile place on the way home and bought Matt a rough green snake for his birthday which we pick up tomorrow when he gets back of his hols.

Thanks to Angela who has nominated me for the nice matters award.

I will nominate Pete for letting me use his new lens (even though he doesn't know it yet).


Friday, 17 August 2007

HS:MS - Lock

A mechanism for keeping something closed that is operated by a key.

Now I did want to do the bike lock in the place that it is more commonly used, around the back tire. However, it seems that Matt has locked it to his handlebars and then hidden the keys away so it will just have to do like this.

Yesterday didn't quite go to plan. I gutted Matt's room which was as expected - DISGUSTING. I'm sure he is trying to cultivate new life forms in there.
Yesterday afternoon I completely ignored Eleanor's advice *sorry Eleanor I am going to listen to you today* and did some more work and then popped across the road to see a really good friends of ours. I knew her partner had been taken into hospital after having a fit on Saturday and I was going to see him as he was due home on Tuesday. My friend was distraught as not only is he still in hospital he is being transferred miles away to North Staffs for a brain biopsy as the MRI scans revealed a dark patch on his brain, his speech is starting to slur and he has had more episodes. This is from a 41 year old builder who on Friday was as fit as a fiddle, so much so that he was taking his 2 daughters (same ages as our sons) on a bike ride on Saturday morning when it first happened. I sat with my friend for about an hour yesterday just talking as she is going through the terrible stage where you just don't know what's happening or what's wrong.

I can completely understand the frustration of this from when Pete was diagnosed with Kidney failure 9 years ago - it took an amazing 3 months for Pete to get a biopsy and then another 5 months to get the results. During this time we were led to believe he would need a transplant before Christmas, we even went to North Staffs for the transplant assessment and now 9 years on he is still not on dialysis or the transplant list, thankfully. It took a long time but now my outlook on life is don't worry about it until it happens otherwise you could worry your life away for no reason.

Enjoy every day!


Thursday, 16 August 2007

HS:MS - Chop

To cut into small pieces.

I'm feeling a bit uninspired this morning as I have a wonderful day of housework planned *blech*. At least with the boys and Bob away for a few days everything should stay where I put it and stay clean which will be a novelty. I'm hoping that I can finish it all quickly so that I can then spend the rest of the time until Sunday lunch playing with paper and cameras. If that's to happen I better stop pratting about on here and get started on the dreaded teenage bedroom. If I don't post tomorrow can you send in the search party?


By the way it's my paper trimmer in the picture.

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

HS:MS - Window

An opening in the wall, filled with glass.

What's the well known saying? "The eyes are the window to the soul". Pete was looking out of our living room window when I took this so you can see the reflection of a regular window with glass in it, in his eye. Two windows for the price of one - I always said I was the BOGOF Queen.

Bob the snail is munching his way through copious amounts of cucumber. He doesn't seem to like cabbage unlike his little cousins in my cabbage patch. Kyle did let him out last night onto the playroom floor to go for a walk or should I say slither. I don't think Bob will get much exercise from now on as Kyle very quickly came to the conclusion that he doesn't like scrubbing snail slime off wooden floors.

It has transpired that Bob is in fact an extreme snail as he went skateboarding across the kitchen table at lunch time and quite fancies giving obstacle course racing a try next. I did put my foot down when go faster stripes were suggested as fuscia pink nail varnish would clash with his colouring terribly.

Pete is much better today (as Bobs antics prove) and should be returning to work tomorrow, once again thank you for all your well wishes they are very much appreciated.


Tuesday, 14 August 2007

HS:MS - Pasta

An Italian food made from dough.

I always have my little digital camera in my handbag so when I went to Asda to get some eggs earlier I took the opportunity to take this shot. I felt really stupid taking a picture of the pasta counter and got some really funny looks - the things we do for HS:MS.

Pete is now feeling a lot better he still isn't 100% but he did eat his tea last night. The fortijuice drinks have arrived a day early so he started drinking those at lunch time so he should be good in the next couple of days. Lucky really as Matt and Kyle are going away with my Mum until Sunday lunch time so we get some time to ourselves. There is going to be an extra being going on holiday called "Bob" who is Kyles new pet giant African land snail. Don't ask me why I have no clue but Pete is making some wheels for his little tank (he has a large one too) so that Kyle can take him for a walk and just to think I was worried about looking stupid in Asda!

Monday, 13 August 2007

HS:MS - Drive

To operate a vehicle.

I have two pictures for today's word one I took this morning of Kyle playing with some cars and one I took in France of the result of going for a drive. Matt will go mad if he sees that I have shared this picture.

Pete is off work today as he is still not feeling tip top, bless. He is still not eating and his Crone's has now flared up which makes it even more difficult for him to eat. We are currently trying to get some Fortijuice from the Dr's which is a non-milk based drink supplement that will give him everything he needs for the next few days until he can start eating properly again. Other than that we are good.



Sunday, 12 August 2007

HS:MS - Thread

A long strand of fibres.

It took me a while to decide what to take a picture of today and then I spotted this picture I made on my workroom wall. So we have a spiders thread sewn out of cotton thread for HS:MS today.

Thank you to everyone who left kind comments and well wishes for Pete yesterday. He is up and about again and it looks like he got through the bug in tact, he's even managed 1/4 piece of toast for his breakfast and commented on the size of a woman's breasts on the TV so he's well on his way to normal.

Saturday, 11 August 2007

HS:MS - Down & DCM - Photo Finish

To fall to the ground.

Well today is the day I have been dreading for the last 8 years ever since we found out Pete's kidneys are not working as well as they should. He has gone and got himself a stomach bug and is feeling really down, he can't keep anything down at the moment and has spent most of the morning with his head down the toilet. I think I may have covered the word down by now! Seriously though this is not good news as he can't get dehydrated, if after 12 hours he has not kept any water down he has to be admitted to hospital to go on a drip so that his kidneys won't pack in permanently. Then there is the knock on effect that this could have on his Crone's and his anemia. I'm surprised that with 2 boys and his lowered immune system we have managed to go this long before he got a bug. He's lying in bed at the moment with 2 quilts over him and a bucket by his side next to a full pack of dioralite. Fingers crossed everyone.

While Pete is lying in bed feeling like sh** as he puts it I thought I would get busy and make a get well soon card, before you start thinking how sweet I am, it's not for him it's for this weeks DCM's challenge. I might just give it to him later though. He has managed to keep a rehydration drink down for about an hour and has just had another one so hopefully he's coming out the other side.

This weeks Dare is set by Tracie (Bondgirl) and is titled Photo Finish....

This week I want you to make a card for any occasion but it must include a photograph somewhere! The photo subject can be people, items, locations, flowers, absolutely anything so get snapping. Dont forget to check copyright if you are using someone elses photographs in your art work

I took the photograph I have used in a field last week in France. I sliced it into 3 pieces and mounted them on white card. I printed the sentiment onto some frosted paper (mental block can't think of the proper term) and then tore it and fixed it with a brad and 2 eyelets. I finished it off with a raffia bow.


Friday, 10 August 2007

HS:MS - Double

Two of the same thing.
Mines an obvious one I am afraid my other idea was double Vodka but I think it's a bit too early in the day for pouring one of those. So instead of drinking I'll go for gambling instead - what must you all think of me? And this is from her who went to France and bought back no wine at all but a boot full of smelly cheese instead.
I got another hire car yesterday which is a Passatt Estate and is very, very nice to drive even if the hand brake is a button and the car key is a card thingy. It even has the boys approval as it has tinted windows so looks kinda cool.

Matt only got to go in the car at lunch time when he went to the dentist as he has been grounded to his room for the last 24 hours. Him and Kyle had a slight disagreement yesterday which resulted in a huge black eye for Kyle and a weeks worth of punishments for Matt - kids don't you just love 'em.



Thursday, 9 August 2007

HS:MS - Earring

A little something to adorn the ear.

These are undoubtedly the most beautiful earrings in the whole world - well they are to me anyway! These earrings were lovingly handmade by my eldest son and presented to me in a beautiful box last Christmas.
On the car front I found out yesterday that it is getting fixed and I should be getting it back at the end of next week - Yay we say! Had a phone call from the hire car place this morning to say they will be picking up my hire car today to replace it with a brand new car as the one I have is being decommissioned because it is old and passed it's best. It's only a '56 and has less than 10,000 miles on the clock and we did 2,000 of them. Good help me as I have been around a lot longer than a year and am definitely more worn than the car is!
Pete came home early from work yesterday so that we could all toddle off to Cheshire Oaks to take advantage of Orange Wednesday. After we got the tickets from the assistant who moaned about it being Orange Wednesday under her breath the whole time we were there we shot off to the toy shop where I started my Christmas shopping. Believe me the offers were too good to ignore and with 2 nephews, 1 niece and 1 great nephew all under 5 and then your own kids on top of that you have to get the bargains while you can !!
Chiquita's was our restaurant of choice where we sat in the window and ate far too much without a second thought and boy did it taste good.
Mr Harry Potter then called us so we dutifully filed into the cinema found our seats and settled down for over 2 hours of great entertainment.
To top off a great night when we got home at 11.30 ish we went and sat in the garden to do some star gazing and saw the milky way (faintly), a couple of satellites whizzing by and the most fantastic shooting stars.
It is the time of year to see the Perseid meteors so there are more shooting stars than usual in the sky at the moment. The best time to see them is between 2 a.m. and dawn (UK time) on Monday August 13, if you get away from city lights, you could see hundreds of meteors.
If it's clear on Sunday or Monday night it's worth a look at any time as the lack of a moon will make the shooting stars much easier to see but you are bound to see at least one on any night this week. We saw about 8 in a 15 minute time slot last night, 2 of them were huge.


Wednesday, 8 August 2007

HS:MS - City

A busting place to hang out, meet friends and enjoy.

Well I had to look through my photo files for this one as I don't have a city near to me today. These were taken from the top of the CN Tower when we visited Toronto, can't wait to go there again next year!

Yesterday I had a bit of a disaster - as usual. I took the boys to the dentist for 10.30 only to be told that I had missed the appointment as it was at 10am so now I have to take them again on Friday. However, I did manage to get Kyle's High School Uniform with no hitches so now he only needs shoes and he is sorted out for September - by baby is nearly all growed up.

I still don't know what is happening with my car so I suppose I better make some phone calls today to see if I can find out. I'm just hoping it's not written off because as soon as I get the cheque they take the hire car off me and then I will have no car until we can buy a new one and that's not good in the summer holidays with 2 boys at home.

It's Orange Wednesday today at the cinema and I am the Queen of BOGOF so we are going to watch "Harry Potter" tonight as they very inconsiderately released it when we were on holiday so we missed seeing it straight away.

OMG WOW Look what has just happened outside my back door. A sparrow hawk has just swooped down and grabbed one of the sparrows off my feeder and sat there with it under it's talons as bold as brass on my patio. If you click on the picture you can see it up closer. Sorry about the quality of the picture but the camera had the wrong lens on and I didn't have the time to change the settings.



Tuesday, 7 August 2007

HS:MS - Eyes

The window to the soul, which eyes are watching in your space today ?
I am so glad to be back as I have missed my daily photo prompts sooo much - how sad am I!! Here's today's it's a candle holder that my Mum bought for me years ago that sits on windowsill next to the computer watching my every move.

Summer, Smile and Bloom:

Here is the start of my catch up for the last 7 days. This one is a bit of a cheat I am afraid but it does cover all 3 words pretty well don't you think? There were hundreds of fields of blooming sunflowers in the area we were staying on holiday and they all looked stunning especially with the sun on them! Better than the grey clouds I can see out of my window this morning!! Pete took this picture by resting the camera on top of the car and using the timer. I will try and catch up with breakfast, foil and fat as I go along this week.
