Friday, 31 August 2007
HS:MS - S.P.S No 2

HS:MS - Chew

For those people who may be concerned about me dragging my children off the toilet just so I can get a photograph for HS:MS don't worry he had been in there for about 30 minutes and was only reading his book.
The only other news I have is that our friend has now been discharged from hospital and is recovering well at home. We find out today what his results are and what further treatment he needs. Other than that not a lot is happening around here at the moment.
Thursday, 30 August 2007
HS:MS - Dish
Mmm when is a dish a dish and not a bowl or a plate I ask myself, is there an exact depth where it morphs from one to the other. We don't watch enough TV to warrant Sky so no dish there anymore, bit miffed about Ghost Whisper and Lost now they are on Sky but we refuse to pay silly money to watch 2 programmes. We can usually see Jodrell Bank from our bedroom window but the damn things pointing the wrong way today so nothing there either. So I resorted to the dish/bowl in the front window. At one time it had some beautiful candles in it that looked like stones but in my infinite wisdom I left it in the window and the sun melted them. So now it collects stones from places we have been to, fire cones and dust.

Wednesday, 29 August 2007
HS:MS - Cloud

Good job I did this early as it's now 9am and we have totally greydom outside.
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
HS:MS - Apple

Monday, 27 August 2007
HS:MS - Sun

Sunday, 26 August 2007
HS:MS - Show Off Sunday

Saturday, 25 August 2007
HS:MS - S.P.S 25/08/07

Friday, 24 August 2007
HS:MS - Stone

As soon as I saw this prompt this morning I knew what I was going to do. It is a bit of a cheat as it is not actually in my space today but hay ho. I took this when we on holiday in Canada it is an "Inukshuk", they were originally used by the Inuit people of Canada as landmarks to help them herd the reindeer and provide companionship in their vast and lonely land. This one was taken on an Island near to Parry Sound on Georgian Bay, Lake Huron. It was actually grown man size and as you can see it is dry stacked, they are lots of them all over the place near there.
Thursday, 23 August 2007
HS:MS - White

Wednesday, 22 August 2007
HS:MS - Friend

Tuesday, 21 August 2007
HS:MS - Wet

Monday, 20 August 2007
HS:MS - Plant

Sunday, 19 August 2007
HS:MS - Can

Saturday, 18 August 2007
HS:MS - Fly

Or not as the case may be. I found this prompt really difficult today, honestly I did try really hard and I had lots of ideas.
1. Kites - on holiday with the kids.

I will nominate Pete for letting me use his new lens (even though he doesn't know it yet).
Friday, 17 August 2007
HS:MS - Lock
Enjoy every day!
Thursday, 16 August 2007
HS:MS - Chop

I'm feeling a bit uninspired this morning as I have a wonderful day of housework planned *blech*. At least with the boys and Bob away for a few days everything should stay where I put it and stay clean which will be a novelty. I'm hoping that I can finish it all quickly so that I can then spend the rest of the time until Sunday lunch playing with paper and cameras. If that's to happen I better stop pratting about on here and get started on the dreaded teenage bedroom. If I don't post tomorrow can you send in the search party?
By the way it's my paper trimmer in the picture.
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
HS:MS - Window

What's the well known saying? "The eyes are the window to the soul". Pete was looking out of our living room window when I took this so you can see the reflection of a regular window with glass in it, in his eye. Two windows for the price of one - I always said I was the BOGOF Queen.
Bob the snail is munching his way through copious amounts of cucumber. He doesn't seem to like cabbage unlike his little cousins in my cabbage patch. Kyle did let him out last night onto the playroom floor to go for a walk or should I say slither. I don't think Bob will get much exercise from now on as Kyle very quickly came to the conclusion that he doesn't like scrubbing snail slime off wooden floors.

It has transpired that Bob is in fact an extreme snail as he went skateboarding across the kitchen table at lunch time and quite fancies giving obstacle course racing a try next. I did put my foot down when go faster stripes were suggested as fuscia pink nail varnish would clash with his colouring terribly.
Pete is much better today (as Bobs antics prove) and should be returning to work tomorrow, once again thank you for all your well wishes they are very much appreciated.
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
HS:MS - Pasta

Monday, 13 August 2007
HS:MS - Drive

Sunday, 12 August 2007
HS:MS - Thread

Saturday, 11 August 2007
HS:MS - Down & DCM - Photo Finish

Well today is the day I have been dreading for the last 8 years ever since we found out Pete's kidneys are not working as well as they should. He has gone and got himself a stomach bug and is feeling really down, he can't keep anything down at the moment and has spent most of the morning with his head down the toilet. I think I may have covered the word down by now! Seriously though this is not good news as he can't get dehydrated, if after 12 hours he has not kept any water down he has to be admitted to hospital to go on a drip so that his kidneys won't pack in permanently. Then there is the knock on effect that this could have on his Crone's and his anemia. I'm surprised that with 2 boys and his lowered immune system we have managed to go this long before he got a bug. He's lying in bed at the moment with 2 quilts over him and a bucket by his side next to a full pack of dioralite. Fingers crossed everyone.

This weeks Dare is set by Tracie (Bondgirl) and is titled Photo Finish....
This week I want you to make a card for any occasion but it must include a photograph somewhere! The photo subject can be people, items, locations, flowers, absolutely anything so get snapping. Dont forget to check copyright if you are using someone elses photographs in your art work
I took the photograph I have used in a field last week in France. I sliced it into 3 pieces and mounted them on white card. I printed the sentiment onto some frosted paper (mental block can't think of the proper term) and then tore it and fixed it with a brad and 2 eyelets. I finished it off with a raffia bow.Rach
Friday, 10 August 2007
HS:MS - Double

Mines an obvious one I am afraid my other idea was double Vodka but I think it's a bit too early in the day for pouring one of those. So instead of drinking I'll go for gambling instead - what must you all think of me? And this is from her who went to France and bought back no wine at all but a boot full of smelly cheese instead.
I got another hire car yesterday which is a Passatt Estate and is very, very nice to drive even if the hand brake is a button and the car key is a card thingy. It even has the boys approval as it has tinted windows so looks kinda cool.

Thursday, 9 August 2007
HS:MS - Earring

Wednesday, 8 August 2007
HS:MS - City

Well I had to look through my photo files for this one as I don't have a city near to me today. These were taken from the top of the CN Tower when we visited Toronto, can't wait to go there again next year!
Yesterday I had a bit of a disaster - as usual. I took the boys to the dentist for 10.30 only to be told that I had missed the appointment as it was at 10am so now I have to take them again on Friday. However, I did manage to get Kyle's High School Uniform with no hitches so now he only needs shoes and he is sorted out for September - by baby is nearly all growed up.

I still don't know what is happening with my car so I suppose I better make some phone calls today to see if I can find out. I'm just hoping it's not written off because as soon as I get the cheque they take the hire car off me and then I will have no car until we can buy a new one and that's not good in the summer holidays with 2 boys at home.
It's Orange Wednesday today at the cinema and I am the Queen of BOGOF so we are going to watch "Harry Potter" tonight as they very inconsiderately released it when we were on holiday so we missed seeing it straight away.
OMG WOW Look what has just happened outside my back door. A sparrow hawk has just swooped down and grabbed one of the sparrows off my feeder and sat there with it under it's talons as bold as brass on my patio. If you click on the picture you can see it up closer. Sorry about the quality of the picture but the camera had the wrong lens on and I didn't have the time to change the settings.
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
HS:MS - Eyes