Monday, 21 April 2008

Yellow? More like Blue

The word over at HS:MS today is yellow and that is not a colour I can identify with at the moment as I feel less than bright today. I am totally fed up of being a nag trying to get the boys to revise for their exams, so much so I am even considering giving up on it completely and just letting them get on with it themselves. I pre-ordered a Wii Fit thingy a couple of months ago as a surprise for the boys (read that as I wanted one) with the understanding that it would be delivered on the day of release, which was last Friday and guess what it still isn't here so I am getting slightly miffed about that too as I wanted to use it as revision blackmail. Then on top of all that I seem to have injured my hand somehow and it has been really giving me grief for the last couple of hours.
On the upside I visited Mima this afternoon, just a quick one but enjoyable all the same it's just a shame that Sue couldn't make it again.


Jenga said...

Aww loads of sunshine yellow healing happy vibes hun xxx

Eleanor said...

It's no good, gonna have to come a visiting and take your mind off balancing, boys and bones. It's been warm and lovely here today, better send it over your way. Take care. Wii thing come tomorrow vibes.

Unknown said...

Oh Rach, I hope today is a better day for you and the wii thing turns up. You'll have o let me know what its like, our Wii is due for delivery around the 12th so we're very excited here!

Mima said...

It was just lovely to see you! What on earth have you done to your hand? Probably good to see the end of a day like this, and I am looking forward to reading the next entry to see if the mystery of the unbalanced till got solved!