It's now 8.53am and my Wii fit hasn't arrived yet and I have a nasty feeling it isn't going to arrive until just before the boys get in probably only giving me enough time to install the thing before they descend on it.
So while I wait impatiently I got my baby out of it's bag for the first time in weeks so I could take a shot for today's prompt at HS:MS about time too. I think it is beginning to feel neglected.
With not being in work this weekend (or next) we have decided we are going to go out picnicking, geocaching and photo snapping, two (three in this case) birds one stone and all that. Or should I say we are hoping to do that if we can drag the boys away from the Wii for long enough. Not sure where to go but the Buxton area and the Wirral are both strong contenders at the moment. At least it will stop me obsessing about time, years and my most hated day of the year which happens next week sometime.

10:14 Starting to pace now.
14:14 If we had a carpet it would have a huge hole in it by now.
10 comments: getting a Wii fit? will have to let me know what it's like, enjoy your weekends off, lovely twisty shot.x
Love that photo. Nicely shot. Sounds like a great weekend. Hope you all have a fabo time and perhaps it'll take your mind off the Wii fit thing! ;)
Sounds like you have an ideal weekend planned. Lovely twist shot today. x
Great picture. Have a great weekend!
great photo! we're waiting for our Wii fit too ... said it'll be in by May 21 (-_-)
Fabulously twisted. And the photo is nice too LOL just joshing!
Sounds like a perfect weekend, hope the weather plays ball for you, did I read somewhere we're in for a mini heatwave?
Great twisted, you really are a master at angle and DOF! The weekend sounds great, and I am just heading up to its here - at last!
Fantastic photo!
Oooh fab twisted pic :D. The Wii fit looks fab - haven't got a Wii but I want one now!
Hope you enjoyed Heroes last night - Peter Petrelli swooooon!
Great shot!!! I really like it. I like the way the text goes over the edge too - very cool look. Enjoy your Wii fit - I'm going to get mine today too!
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