I took this picture of the boys this afternoon in the park at Buxton. I only noticed the total look of disgust on their faces when I got home and downloaded the pictures. The reason for this look? A couple of adults had found a birds nest and decided to pick it up to show their young children. The boys were horrified and said in very loud voices how you never touch a birds nest and certainly don't move it. So today I am a very proud Mum.
What wise heads on young shoulders .... you've obviously taught them well.
After reading your last post, there's NO WAY (please make that bold, underlined, in italics, and with copious exclamation marks at the end) I'm getting a Wii Fit. If it told me I'm overweight (as it surely would do), I'd punch it!
.... sadly hubby wants one, so one very sore hand may be in my not too distant future ....
Good for them!! We love the park at Buxton too. I guess your boys are too "all growed up" for the dinky train though LOL xxx
They may have looks of disgust on their faces, but it is a really lovely photo of them both! Sounds as if you made the most of the day yesterday, sadly it seems to be drizzling at the moment, hopefully it will stop soon!
Good kids :-) It's wonderful when they do or say something and you just know all the effort has paid of somewhere.
Here's one you'll like. Joshua insists that his trousers sit on his hips. He is horrified at the thought the waist should be in line with his belly button. Got major problems with his attitude to school uniform at the mo! Boys!!
Oh my goodness, you should be proud. And what a great photo of them, Rach! Oh and I want the Wii fitness thingy. I need someone to tell me I'm overweight LOL ;)
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