That's what we do with most things in the this house. I was spoilt for choice for today's picture I tried the little compost caddy in the kitchen, the box of used loo roll middles, drinks cartons, plastic bottles and cans that is ready for one of the boys to sort out, the 2 red boxes the council gave us for plastics, the 2 green boxes they gave us for cans and glass, the 2 bags they gave us for paper, the brown bin that is for green waste, the 3 compost heaps in the garden or the recycled bread bags that we reuse as dog pooh bags but they all looked a bit uninspiring and disgusting. Instead I took this picture of one of my many bags for life that I possess as like I have mentioned before I don't do carrier bags.

I have the day to myself today as I am not in work until 4pm and then I have the whole weekend to enjoy, bad weather and all. I think it could be a good opportunity for some extra revision and bedroom tidying - won't I be Little Miss Popular.
Well done you for not using carrier bags. I try, but I keep forgetting my bags. They are in the car and I still blithely walk out without them :( Must try harder.
I too use shoppers and do not buy plastic bags from the stores. We have had to pay for plasic bags for almost 10 years!!! Oh rachel, sewing is so 'sew' easy lol. If you can sew straight lines that's a great start!
Love Di
We have just moved over to proper bags for the shopping rather than plastic bags, so I have my fingers crossed that the carers will remember! Great photo, as ever interesting view point!!
cool recycle (^_^)
Great texture recycle shot...
'proper' bags rule! I've got quite a collection now too....
I am like Janice . . . I have them . . . but forget them :-( I am getting better though :-)
Wednesday is great for seeing Mima :-) Look forward to it. Did you see the short NYC Travellers Rough Guide or something similar last night? T'was NY :-) I want to go back!!!!!
Super shot today Rach :-)
I love being Little Miss Popular . . . just so rewarding!
You'd hate me Rach - I'm crap at recycling. Can I please blame disability (it's got to be good for something!!) because by the time I've fought to get a tin open I
m not messing with it anymore!!
I'm off to a crop tomorrow - wish me luck, I'm scared stiff!
Oooh you have a good council! I need to move near you. We could be neighbours!
I have a lovely Tesco reusable bag that has ladybirds on it. Unfortunately I cant remember where it is but tomorrow I shall dig it out and use it. Youve shamed me x
Good on you Rach - great take!
I used to forget my proper bags but now always have a couple of string 'turtle' bags in my handbag - ready to go! They're fab - take up no space at all! x
Great shot - good to use bags like this - I've cut down on carrier bags - glad to see more of a move generally towards not using the plastic bags.
great bag!! very useful! :) enjoy the rest of the week!
I have also this kind of bag from bookstore. thanks your visiting my blog. happy weekend!
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