Saturday, 12 April 2008

I might think of a title later but then again I might not

I've decided I don't do Saturday's anymore, well I don't do HS:MS on a Saturday anymore. There are only so many pictures of me and my motley crew that I can inflict on the world and I think I reached the maximum amount weeks ago. So from now on I am hanging up my camera on a Saturday. Apart from that it is the only night of the week with anything worth watching on TV. I might post a picture tomorrow but then again I might not as I am not really keen on Show Off Sunday's either as it is not something that comes naturally to me. I'm off now to watch dancing dogs and dodgy keyboard players.


Jenga said...

Awww but I wanna see your mug on a Saturday :D

Anonymous said...

The dog was good, the quartet were excellent, the boy was outstanding :o)

Dr Who was marvellous, we watched Torchwood and I cried, and I think I'm ready for bed!

Oh - I had a great time too :o)

Monkee Maker said...

ummmm .... you were joking about saturday night tv, right??

I don't blame you for boycotting saturdays .... ok so I only did HS:MS for three days, but I dreaded saturdays!

Show off sunday though? A completely different kettle of fish, so go, toot your horn today and toot it loudly!


Diana said...

Understand Rachael, I found that I as taking the same sort of shots of me every week so until I get some fresh inspiration, or find some people that will let me take pics of them, I may do the same....

See you Monday!
Love Di

Mima said...

As long as you are still showing up to say hello to us all, I don't mind if there are photos or not. Although I have to say when you do post photos they are normally brilliant. Oh to be up and we could go on a photo adventure - maybe soon!

Not sure I agree with you about Saturdays, Thursdays is my fav with House and Greys Anatomy!

Louise Galt said...

Thanks for your comment, yeah I feel great! even thinking of joining the gym.

etteY said...

yay! but i want to see your smashing photographs! :P

thanks for the comment, i had a great time at the falls yesterday :D