Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Early Bird for a change

No work today but I am still up nice and early, raring to go! I am continuing my quest for a clean house this morning 4 rooms down only another 7 to go, including the kitchen. Then this afternoon I am getting on my push bike to go and visit Mima and Sue, I'm really looking forward to hearing Sues tales from New York and to having a good girly catchup afternoon with them both and of course my cold can of coke. Tonight we are back on the revision, no arguments last night (so sorry Suzy you haven't won a prize yet).

It's pretty hard to take a picture of investigate when you are all on your lonesome and now is the only chance I am going to get to do this today so it has to be one I prepared earlier. Matt and Kyle were investigating this pile of wood for a geocache and they were successful too.


Zoe said...

Great shot! Have fun this afternoon! x

Zoe said...

Great shot! Have fun this afternoon! x

Sue said...

Oh Rach I am Soooooo Sorrryyyyyy :-(

My hand and wrist are swollen as a result of painting! I need to rest so can't drive :-( It should, hopefully, be a 24 hour thing as I was extremely careful not to overdo it . . . LOL obviously I did BUT hopefully only a little.

PLEASE when are you next free to see Mima? I will rest the day before to ensure that I will be fit? I really want to see you both :-)

The sun and light nights has really helped to get me moving with cleaning etc. I wish it was like this all the time :-)

Revision books are here. Spanish tonight LOL a glass of wine for me :-D Hey now that I could do with learning in Spanish!

Not sure I can do the prompt today due to no ideas actually I should say my poorly wrist ;-)

You photo is great though . . . fab take :-)

Bye for now . . . Sue

Hazel said...

That's a great photo

Bambi said...

wonderful shot!

Sue said...

Great. Just tell me when and I will be there :-)

And I did the prompt too :-)

Friend is keeping me company later and ensuring I rest my hand/wrist!


JACKIE M said...

Great shot Rach !

pokettiger said...

Great photo!

Jolanda said...

Great pictures. Love the frame and shadows around it.