Thursday, 10 April 2008


I had a great day yesterday, work went well and then I had a lovely time visiting Mima, where I think I may have talked her to death. Then after tea we went for Kyle's parent teacher interviews which were interesting to say the least. We now have 3-4 weeks of hard revision every night for both of the boys which seems to be involving me as they haven't got a clue how to go about it. I'm finding it very difficult at the moment to find the time to take any pictures for the HS:MS prompts as, like Sue says, life is getting in the way but I am going to try and join in when I can - just not today.


Diana said...

Get back as soon as you can
Love Di

Mima said...

Rach, I hope that the parent teacher meetings weren't too bad, I gather from the fact that Kyle is nose to the grindstone that they could have been better ... It was great to see you, and really lovely to have a catch up, I am still alive - I have lived to tell about it and thoroughly enjoyed it!

Zoe said...

Oh revision - brings back memories; think I spent more time drawing up with a revision timetable than actually do any!! xx

Unknown said...

Its a bugger that life thing isnt it? And its not like we even get a holiday from it is it?

Come back soon x

etteY said...

awwwwwww missing your lovely photos! :) come back soon (((hugs)))