Sunday, 11 May 2008

Shortest Break in The History Of Breaks!

That lasted a long time didn't it!! This is just a very quick post before I do take a break for a while. There is nothing wrong it's just that the little part time job that I wanted is nearer to a full time job at the moment.
We went to Tatton Park today after I had finished in work and we played with this ...

and then we did this ....

I'll see you when I see you.

PS The bed is sooooo comfortable I could stay in it forever and ever.


Jenga said...

Hope you manage to pop back on to see us all now and again! We'll miss ya :)

Louise said...

don't stay away too long (be like me and forget houseword after a long day, just take photos!) we will miss you.

Unknown said...

Love the shot of the football.

maz said...

Don't be a stranger or I'll have to come and stalk you in Aldi!

Bobs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bobs said...

Finding the time to post and comment on everyone's pics is too difficult when you're working full-time (as I do too) - and that is why I don't post too regularly any more, unfortunately. :(

Take care, Rach - and don't stay away too long.


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day, Rachael!!


Mima said...

I do hope that he has actually asked you if you mind going up to full time!! I can totally understand though if they are really short staffed, and it will take a while to find new people.

Look forward to the next update on how things are going ........

Anonymous said...

I hope you're all up and about for this week. I have to agree with you that the bed is my favorite place in the house.

Great football shot! :)

Louise Galt said...

Hi Rach, thanks for the comment, i've managed to loose 3stone 4lbs so far and have gone from a size 30 to a size 24, so im doing good just hope i can get to a 16 in time for March as im getting married :D.
Hope your doing well, and not working too hard.

Sue said...

Hi Rach . . . I know what your hours are and how hard and constant your work at Aldi is. I am not surprised that something has to "give" . . . better the blog than you :-)

And I am going to try our Aldi :-) I am a Tescos gal through and through BUT I also like a bargain :-)

Take Care and be kind to yourself :-)
