These are the "strings" that are on my birthday present from Pete which is sat in the Living Room waiting for everyone to be here before I can open it. I was in work early this morning, much to my bosses disgust as apparently I shouldn't have been working at all on my birthday, so I missed seeing Pete and the boys before school so it will just have to wait until this evening. I have opened my cards and Mima has sent me a beautiful handmade card **thanks Mima** and the boys, predictably, got me rude ones.
I got a bit of a shock yesterday when I got home as when I opened my front door I was greeted by 2 goth girls that I have never seen before who were here with Matt. Hannah was sat on the Sofa looking terrified with the Bearded Dragon on her knee. Kyle had apparently dumped it there about 5 minutes before and she didn't dare move - poor kid. The other girl then turned and said "Hi I'm Emily and by the way I have never been out with Matthew" right OK where did that come from, she doth protest too much me thinks!!! Watch this space.
Happy Birthday! nice strings (^_^)
Beautiful Strings, Happy Birthday and hope you love the present.
Oooh Happy, Happy Birthday, Rach. Hope you have a fab afternoon, evening! Great photo btw :) *hugs*
Happy Birthday! Awww - you could have put up pictures of the rude cards!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Rach, Happy Birthday to you (its a good job that you can't hear the awful singing that goes along with that song!).
Hope that you have a great one, and lovely strings pic - I am impressed with Pete's wrapping skills!
Huge Happy Birthday to you! Hope the pressie as lovely as it looks!
((Hugs)) x
Ooh lots of happy happies to you Rach.
Hope it's everything you want it to be.
birthday love and kisses
Happy Birthday Rach :-) Hope that you are now enjoying your day and have opened your present. What a wonderful guy to wrap it up like that.
My kids always get me funny/rude cards too. After years of being forced to make them, they like nothing better than being let loose in a card shop!
I am watching this space. Sarah is meeting up with her old "boyfriend" on Monday? She's not bothered . . . she says ;-)
Do post a piccy of your present won't you?
Oh shoot I forgot to come on and say happy birthday :( Hope you had a FAB day and I must say the Goth girls are better than chav girls LOL
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