...I hope. I am going to really, really try to stay back for as long as I can now as I have missed HS:MS and blogging over the last couple of weeks. Pete has improved over the last couple of days he managed a walk on Monday and work yesterday. Today he is in hospital all day getting his iron fix while keeping company with 90 year old transparent people who try and discuss all of their ailments with him. The iron should kick in pretty quickly so within a few days we should see a huge difference - thank goodness.
I have more time to myself today than I thought I would have thanks to my wonderful Mum. I went to work yesterday leaving the boys on their own for the first time. My Mum came up to check up on them as requested and ended up staying for about 4 hours and doing all my housework while she was here. My wet washing even found it's way to her house for drying and ironing - just how spoilt am I??? So today I only have my craft/work room to sort out and then I can relax doing things I want to do rather than have to do - total bliss.
If it wasn't peeing it down I would go out and photograph some Flora for HS:MS but it is so this picture I took about 2 weeks ago will have to do. One of my favourites, the teeny weeny forget me nots. I just love the way they change colour.

I might even attempt a catch up later. x
gorgeous flower Rach!!
come back soon, miss you!
How beautiful is that? Stunning Rach :o) x
That's beautiful, aren't mums fab?
beautiful! i adore them (^_^)
Lovely little flowers. I hope things settle for you soon.x
I love these little forget-me-nots
Can I borrow your Mum?? :) x
I love forget-me-nots.
An outstanding pic Rach! Hope things calm down for you now:)
PS yes it was Wild Garlic! mmmm
Love those dinky darlin blooms.
Yay for the big guy.
More yay for the mama.
Welcome back.
Talking of a catch up ... this is the only blog I have even tried to do today, if I can I will try Sue's tomorrow, and I know there is an email from you sitting in my inbox! Sorry to hear that Pete has not been at all well, but I hope that he is feeling better after all his iron, and will soon be back to his old self. If he has managed a day back at work it sounds like a good sign. Would be lovely to see you, but I know how precious time is to you at the moment, so totally understand if it does not happen.
Love the forget-me-nots, they are really pretty, and the way that you have got the different colours, and all in focus is perfect. My roses have started to show while I have been away, so if you do get a chance to visit, then bring your camera as they are just wonderful to photograph!
Thinking of you all.
Glad to hear Pete is doing better hun. Look forward to seeing more of you xx
Hi Rach
sorry to hear about Pete - but hopefully he should start to feel better with the iron. Can we see the pics of Gunther von thingy wotsit, then?
Great shots as usual.
Love the colours in your "flora". Glad to see that you'll have some time to yourself. Enjoy it! :)
oooh gorgeous!
So glad to hear that Pete is feelign abit better now. It must be such a relief.
Love, love, love the forget-me-nots. My mum scattered seeds over my garden a few years ago and they come up year after year. My mum died last year, but the wee flowers are still there. They truly are well named, because I will never forget where they came from.
They are lovely, I like the layout of your photo.
Gorgeous flowers! Whgat is wrong with Pete? What the heck have I missed. Got to scroll down.
That needs printing and framing . . . it's downright amazing :-)
I have mentioned Pete above :-)
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