I'm not in work today so I have actually managed to put a photo up for the HS:MS prompt even if I didn't take it today.

Yesterday was my first shift as a proper worker and not just a pretend one (trainee). It went well and my war wound didn't hold me back too much. Whilst
defurring my legs at the weekend I sort of took a huge slice of skin off my ankle bone - nice. While in work yesterday I kicked the said ankle with my other foot (accidentally of course I don't normally go round kicking myself) and by the time I got home my sock had gotten itself stuck in the wound - even nicer. It took me over 10 minutes to remove my sock from my foot and then another 10 minutes to remove all the black fur from my ankle with some tweezers - lovely.
Today I am going to kick back (very carefully and away from my ankle) and relax as tomorrow is another busy one. I'm in work at 7am until 1pm, then I am visiting the lovely
Mima at 2pm(
ish) and then tomorrow night I am off to Kyle's parent teacher interviews so I may not be around until Thursday.