Sunday, 23 March 2008


I was bloody freezing!! We got up this morning hoping that there would be a layer of snow outside but nope the white stuff had missed us again. From our bedroom window we have a good view of the Derbyshire Hills and, unfortunately for me, eagle eyed Pete spotted that they were covered in white. Don't get me wrong I love the snow, I love skiing, I love walking in it but I hate standing still on top of a hill watching other people sledging while I freeze to death. I do a lot of things but I don't do sledging, not good for my back you see. Traction is one of the things I have done that I am not eager to ever do again.

So Pete rushed up to the attic to grab the sledges while I grabbed socks, gloves, hats, cardigans, coats, more socks, boots and an extra pair of gloves and that was just for me!

We drove here...

Matt did this...

Pete did this ...

And Kyle? Well he did this all the way down....

After this happened about a dozen times ....

....Matt ended up like this

So the sledges went away and the boys just played in the snow. Just look at the rosy cheeks.

It was then time for the boys to be called back to the car

But there was still time for one last snowball

Well done if you lasted this far into the post. I had to make up for the lack of photos this week somehow so these are my SPS and SOS rolled into one!


Anonymous said...

Well done for taking photos when it's so cold! They really capture the fun everyone was having :o)

No snow here - just bright and sunny.

Bobs said...

Oooooh - lovely snow photos! Like you, I don't do sledging and I don't really like standing there watching while other folks do it either! Your boys really look as though they are having fun though!

Scott Booker said...

Great photos!! Looks like a GREAT (but cold) time was had by all!!!!

Sue said...

WoW! You got a comment from Bobs :-)

These are super shots Rach . . . again loving the way the background fades in to the blog background :-)

You are WAY more adventurous than me !


Mima said...

What a great set of shots, particularly like the ones of Matt and Pete sledding with the snow kicking up at the front.

We didn't have any snow either, much to Sheena's disappointment as she has never seen falling snow!