We managed to actually go Geo-caching again today after what felt like a long break. Our cache of choice was at Tatton Park, was in three parts and was thoroughly enjoyable (The Beecherlings would love this one with it's huge playground and ice cream van at the start and finish of the 2 mile walk). The sun was out as were the deer but unfortunately they were just a bit too far away to take any pictures, normally I would have ventured closer but the wind was biting so I didn't bother. With it being Show off Sunday over at HS:MS I am going to Show Off some of the pictures taken this afternoon.



We found and took this Travel bug that was inside - it's mission is to collect 1000 autographs and travel far and wide.
And finally another card that I made on Friday.
I'm beginning to enjoy this stamping lark.

I'm beginning to enjoy this stamping lark.
Note for Mima and Sue - You wouldn't believe how many full stops were used on this one!!!
LOL :-D Rach . . . so funny :-D
T'was great to see you on Friday. You look so well and so did Mima :-)
Love Tatton Prak, it's only a ten minute drive from me! As you say a wonderful place.
Love your Geo-caching shots. You look positively skinny there girl :-) Great of Pete and Matt too.
And the card is beautiful :-) You really have an eye for design and colours :-)
Scrolling down to see what else I have missed.
Sue :-)
Gorgeous card girl.
Tatton Park? Hmmm. Do you think this might be the one to make Rick realise it's a pastime to enjoy, this Geocaching lark? Only I'm struggling to get him interested since our spectacular failures. And I can manage Tatton Park. I think.
great sos! i want to start geo-caching too but hubby says it's still too cold out =P
Ooh, shall have to look into those then, nice to have some in the one place, like the ones we did today.
Smashing shots, my photos were all pants today lol
Looks like a good day out, I'll have to have a go. We mush get to Tatton park soon, I haven't been for ages.
What a great set of photos, and I am really glad that you have all been able to go out geocaching again - do you think that the travel bug would like my signature too? It would have to be as an honorary finder!
Tatton is lovely, I have walked there a few times with friends.
And as for the dots, I just went back and highlighted the text to see how many came up!!
The card looks great, I think that the boots might have to become a trademark!
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