The light is really naff hear this morning but it's not as bad as the wind. I have a dog who is running up and down the house barking constantly because it is scaring him that much. During the night he scratched my kitchen door to death trying to get to us, what a wus. I must admit it is getting pretty scary at the moment as some of those gusts are pretty strong.

So with naff lighting and no time to set up anything better this is my offering for today. I'm not in work until 4pm today but I finish at 8pm so it's not too bad. I have a load of numbers, for the fruit and veg without bar codes, I have to learn before they let me on the tills so I am making myself some flash cards to help me - what fun I'll be having today!
Love your shot today!
Cool shot :)
Our late Staffy was just like that - wrecked the 2 doors in the kitchen trying to get through them! I miss him :(
Have fun at work later. Now give me the codes for bananas, kiwi, mandarins and lycee please LOL
Great picture!
WOW Rach, great closeup! love it!
it's a perfect shot for this prompt
great shot!
Fab photo! And can i just say that I have Font Envy??
Rach, you have done a brilliant shot there, doesn't look like a second best at all, and you have got very close, how did you manage that without a macro lens - just curious!
Good luck with the flash cards, and hope that today goes a bit better than yesterday.
Great photo. Love how the image fills the screen.
Greta shot! Glad work seems to be going ok.
Great shot. I nipped over to yours earlier to see how work had gone and spotted this. You inspired me :-D Mines not quite as clear BUT I used the macro setting :-)
LOL at the flash cards! My memory is getting bad so maybe I need them too :-)
Great shot, Hope the jobs going Ok too xx
Great shot!
Smashin shot Rach. How did your barcodes go?
I'm off a week today, and can't wait to go, it will be so much fun to be with them all under one roof!
Sorry to hear that you had a shaky shift at work, hopefully things will settle down for you, and none of this is your fault, it just seems that trouble has been following you around for the last couple of days! Tell it to go away!!
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