Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Please sir can I have some more?

Greed has had me in a tiz since Monday morning as I had no idea what to take a picture of for HS:MS and Pete was no help what so ever as all of his suggestions were pants - especially the envy one! So this morning I got the camera out looking for something to snap and that's when inspiration stuck.


Zoe said...

Nice! Wish I had gear like that!

Marina said...

What a great shot, I love all your bits. :~)

Anonymous said...

WOW great equipment and a great shot!

Jolanda said...

This is a good one. I want that too!

Anonymous said...

WOW. That is a lot of moneys worth of equipment. Great take on the prompt

Bambi said...

great greed!

pokettiger said...

Excellent interpretation!

Darcy Marshall said...

oh my, I woudn't have a clue what to do with any of that, looks very complicated lol Great shot.

maz said...

I think I should borrow this shot and use it for my 'envy' shot! Thanks for sticking up for the chickens:-)

Unknown said...

So you like your lenses then? LOL

Eleanor said...

Whose pants was Pete envying then?
Serious avarice here woman. Love it.

Jenga said...

good one !!

Louise said...

ooooo I need new lenses, I am envious... oh hang on, that's another prompt isn't it!!!
Great thinking

Sarah said...

Now there's a greed I can truly relate to! I'm hoping to get a couple more lenses this year, just got to work out how to do it without Steven realising!

etteY said...

look at those equipments! I soooo envy you! great take!

Mima said...

Right, you officially have more gear than I do! Will you bring your camera next time you come, and try and get a half-way decent shot of me?

Andrew said...

Can't see any greed going on there, Rach. In fact, looks like you are short of a Fisheye lens!