Friday, 15 February 2008

What's normal?

I don't seem to be doing too well with blogging or HS:MS prompts this week as time doesn't seem to be on my side. I have everything crossed that things will be back to normal on Monday when the boys go to school - here's hoping.


Sue said...

Be kind to yourself. Enjoy your children being at home :-) Well, at least try to ;-) Sometimes life gets in the way of HS:MS and blogging.

Re your cold. Would worry me too. Wonder if I miss seeing Mima next week and make it for a week on Monday . . . no idea what that date is but must be very near the end of February.

See you soon . . . Sue . . .

I found that the sooner I "accepted" there was no such thing as "normal" the sooner I saw that NO-ONE is normal, NO-ONE is living a normal life, we are all just fooling each other! Our lives, in the main, just look better than they actulally are.

Mima said...

Sometimes you just have to live life and enjoy, with the kids at home and everything else going on, some things have to slide. When I got sick letting things slide was the hardest lesson that I had to learn, but it was worth it. And as for normal - I'm with Sue, none of us are, and a normal life would be very boring!