It must be the only virtue I do have but I can definitely do Temperance, Practising self control, abstention and moderation, and resisting temptation. I think it comes down to being stubborn and refusing to be beaten (wonder who I get that from Dad?). I used to smoke about 40 a day until I got pregnant with Matt when I tried to give up but it was a horrid pregnancy and what could go wrong did go wrong so I only managed to cut down to 10 a day. After having him the amount I smoked crept back up again, never round him but all the same not good. Then I got pregnant with Kyle and I found it impossible to give up as I was that worried it was going to all go wrong so again I cut back. Kyle was born on 28th March 1996 and Pete and I gave up smoking on 1st April 1996 when he was 3 days old. I found it really easy as I was so busy with a 2 1/2 year old and a new born that I could easily find something to take my mind of it and every time I felt the urge I just picked up my gorgeous new baby.

I would like to add that I don't have empty packets of cigarettes lying about the place I had to send the boys out this morning to try and find me one on the street.
Anyone want 2 boys - they are going cheap, in fact I'll pay you to take them and I'll throw in free delivery too. Roll on next Monday when they go back to school and I don't have to listen to their petty bickering.
Good on you for quitting, I quit Sept 06 after a promise to Dad before he died. It's all about timing. Swap your boys for my girl??
Its on my list of things to do, but hasn't quite made it into action yet, a hopeless task when things are no going so well, but maybe possible if things get a bit better.
Go Rachael, that's a big achievement. I've enjoyed catching up with your blog tonight, if it's allowed to 'enjoy' someone else's domestic misadventures? You know what I mean...LOL
Swap a 3 1/2 year old and an 18 month old for your two???
Well done for quitting :)
Well done quitting , I quit in 91 when I was pregnant and never looked back and I know if I hadnt then I never would have =0)
Oh goodness Rachael, what an amazing woman. Giving up smoking and losing weight like you did. Hat's off to you girl x Love that photo as well.. LOL @ your boys going round the street looking for the pack hehehe
Nope I got my own bickering issues going on today!
Congrats on not smoking anymore. Did you know you and Pete added 10 years to your life by stopping? Good for you!
very well done Rachael!
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