Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Our Charity of choice

Charity. Generosity, willingness to give. A nobility of thought or actions.

A very worthwhile cause. I have a real issue with time today, hence the naff photo so I'm off.


Diana said...

But we know howmuch this means to you. Bless you
Love Di

etteY said...

great shot Rachael! have a fab day :)

Ettey xx

Mima said...

Not surprised at all that this is your charity of choice, I always get torn between MS, ME and St Lukes who have been really supportive!

Zoe said...

Great shot - it's L'Arche or any cancer charity for me. Have a good day x

Kate said...

Haven't seen one of those cute charity bugs in ages. Thanks for the good wishes on my blog yesterday.

Jenga said...

Cool naff photo ;)

Sue said...

Blogger fell over and lost my comment . . . so up came my feeling of "wrath" :-D

Anyway . . . this is firstly a fab shot . . . looks great to me :-)

Secondly a charity that we know is close to your heart so a fab choice Rach :-)

Take Care . . . hope you are feeling better today . . . Sue

Anonymous said...

We once had to have our kidney foundation help us with Kalleigh's kidney problems. She was born with kidney problems, so I say good cause and have fun today!

Bambi said...


Louise said...

great charity close to your heart.
I love those pom pom bug things, didn'y know they were still around:)