... for not rushing out and taking a new photograph today but walking is a tad difficult this morning. My toe is not hurting at all while I am sat still and I even managed a reasonable nights sleep as it stopped hurting at about 2am without the aid of any tablets too. I swear until that point the only pain I was getting was where the first hole was burnt into my nail and toe. Even when I walk it is not hurting as long as I walk very carefully I'm just not looking forward to having to put shoes on my feet again. I went on the Internet yesterday and ordered myself a pair of steel capped boots which should arrive tomorrow so I will be wearing them everyday (when I am in work) from now on regardless of what I look like. I just had to undo the strapping again this morning and have another look, just to check it's still in one piece you understand, which it is. The 2nd hole is still weeping but less than last night so I am still going to presume that this is normal as anything else means going to see the people in white coats and that ain't happening any time soon, unless of course the toe falls off and then I might go.
Anyway, enough about my manky toe onto my shot for today's prompt which is "track".

Great picture. Good luck with your toe!
oooh Rach, poor you. Empathy from me as I ran over my big toe recently with something far less heavy. Knowing that the official remedy is to burn a hole in the nail I didn't go anywhere near A&E. Thankfully the undernail pressure and bleeding subsided on their own. Keep your foot and your chin up and just think of all the toes you can stamp on when your new boots come!
Love the photo - hope the toe heels quickly
love it! feel better soon (^_^)
The steel toed boots sound like a great idea even if they don't look too cool! I bet that the boys are loving the gore, and I hope that Pete is being sympathetic (I would guess that the boys would be hopeless), I am sending lots of sympathy though so hopefully you will be feeling nurtured enough.
Hope that work went OK today, Rose said that she had seen you! I can completely understand not wanting to put shoes on it though!!
Ouch!! Can't bear anything to do with nails/ feet so really feel for you.
Mind you steel capped boots is just my sort of footwear, had a giggle the other day remembering my Dad's face when I used to go in mini dresses and cherry red DM boots!! Never was the ladylike sort.
Hope it gets better soon xx
ick bleurgh ick shudder TOES!!!! Glad it's getting better though LOL
Super shot Rach, love it. Soz about the toe- OUCH! The thought of it makes me cringe. Hope hubs is making you lots of cups of tea and the kiddies aren't treading on it too often x
Love your track shot. That foot injury looks really painful, thank goodness for flip flops :) Hope it heals fast.
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