Monday, 16 June 2008

A hollow object with the shape of a deep inverted cup.
No actual bells in this part of the world so this pretty flower that lives next to my pond will have to do. Its a Geum rivale (Water Avens) which loves boggy areas and after the flowers are finished is covered with gorgeous round burrs.
I am off to visit Mima this afternoon on my push bike so I am hoping the weather stays as beautiful as it is now as I am hoping to have a play with her Macro lens while I am there to see what it can do and to see just how much I NEED one.
Matt (son No1) went on holiday with school last night and should be in France by now on his way to Paris for the week. I'm just hoping that he comes back in one piece - unlike last year when he went to Germany. They have got instructions to tape him into the bunk bed each night just to make sure he doesn't topple out again but I am sure that he will find another way of injuring himself.


etteY said...

awesome shot Rach!! I wish i have a camera like yours! heehee!! great sos pics too!

p.s. if you want the denim look i can give you the -h-t-m-l code :D

Deanne said...

gorgeous shot rachel i love it x

Kate said...

Fab selection of pics, like the catch-ups too.

Jolanda said...

Love the DOF

Igotmebabe said...

Love this

Mima said...

Great dof on this shot, and I am fairly sure that this afternoon you are going to discover that it isn't just need on the macro, it is more like air, you can't actually live without it!!

Andrew said...

Superb shot, Rach. See it was worth every penny that 40D!

Louise said...

oh wow!!! Fab shot. I love my macro lens, it's on my camera 90% of the time - go get one girl!