I might even attempt a catch up later. x
Pete's feeling a bit better today but that is only because I am not letting him do anything at all, as soon as he does try to do something his heart races like mad so I push him back on to the sofa(gently of course).
I'm off out in a minute to fill up my new baby, I just have to remember to get diesel and not unleaded. Now I have read Shannon's blog I am even unhappier about paying the price for my fuel as in the US they are only paying $3.77 per gallon which is the equivalent of 43p per litre compared to our £1.22. Just shows how we are being totally ripped off over here as from what I can see the last time petrol was that price was 1992 at least.
and then we did this ....
I'll see you when I see you.
PS The bed is sooooo comfortable I could stay in it forever and ever.
Not sure what we are going to do today but the provisionally plan is a visit to the Wirral but it's all weather dependent. Looks like tomorrow is going to be the better day but I stupidly volunteered to be in work as it is double time so we won't be able to go out and enjoy it - doh!
He wasn't supposed to be getting me anything as the Canon 40d was my early birthday present last month and the Tamron lens was an even earlier birthday present the month before that but he said he couldn't resist getting me one of these as he thought it would be fun to watch me in pain!!! I could be getting very hairy from now on as so far I have only managed to epilate one shin!
These are the "strings" that are on my birthday present from Pete which is sat in the Living Room waiting for everyone to be here before I can open it. I was in work early this morning, much to my bosses disgust as apparently I shouldn't have been working at all on my birthday, so I missed seeing Pete and the boys before school so it will just have to wait until this evening. I have opened my cards and Mima has sent me a beautiful handmade card **thanks Mima** and the boys, predictably, got me rude ones.
I got a bit of a shock yesterday when I got home as when I opened my front door I was greeted by 2 goth girls that I have never seen before who were here with Matt. Hannah was sat on the Sofa looking terrified with the Bearded Dragon on her knee. Kyle had apparently dumped it there about 5 minutes before and she didn't dare move - poor kid. The other girl then turned and said "Hi I'm Emily and by the way I have never been out with Matthew" right OK where did that come from, she doth protest too much me thinks!!! Watch this space.
I admit it is a bit of a cheat as I didn't take this shot, Pete did, but I am wearing some glasses so it fits in with the prompt of spectacles. Not much else to say really.